If Natalie Jones wants to be my new ATF . . .

Let her show up for the appointment her assistant booked for her.

Let her not try to cancel at the last minute by PM on eccie. Since I do not have a chaufferred limo with Bluetooth internet access, but have to drive myself across town to her hotel of choice, I had no way of knowing she was actually unavailable.

Let her not try to substitute her assistant Ashley in her stead as the escort for the appointment that had been booked for herself, Natalie.

Let her not have revealed to me that she had hired Ashley for just such a circumstance as this. (1) Has this happened before that she should make provision by hiring her? (2) Or is this a BS line to try to remedy her own screwup?

Let her not have revealed to me that she had already assured a frantic Ashley that I would be visiting her this very day as the substitute. And this before she had ever talked to me, much less obtained my approval of the 'switch.'

Let her not try to entice me to visit the unknown and unheralded "Ashley" with the line, "Ashley is far more beautiful than I am." That is a blind date, and has never worked out satisfactorily for me.

In short, let her not have NSNC + try to Bait-n-Switch on me + condescend and presume to know my mind of what I would do.

There is a thread in the ALERTS regards this event.

This thread in INDEPENDENT comes not as a review, but as a heads-up to my brethren who are hoping to audition nj as a potential new ATF. Make certain with whom you are speaking and that all communications are clear on both ends, and that ASHLEY is actually setting an appointment for Natalie.

Given my experience yesterday, do not be totally surprised if 'stuff happens in the big city' and things do not go as expected or promised.

This thread also comes as an unofficial warning to all providers from myself but with the expressed affirmation of several known brethren.

DO NOT TRY TO B&S ON US or UPSELL us or NSNC us or try any tricks with the semantics of your ads. The language of the hobby is not for individual manipulation.

No longer will we merely let the little head dictate our last minute decisions when you repeatedly have a last minute emergency or something.
We will not reward your bad behavior by acceding to your 'arrangements'.
We will OUT you for this kind of behavior.

If you have a friend who wishes to enter the hobby, then be up front with us. We will help her get provider status in accordance with the best traditions of ASPD and ECCIE, the group which has so wonderfully taken up that mantle.

By the way, given yesterday's antics, nj has no chance of even giving me a freebie, much less becoming my new ATF. NO TRUST! NO PLAY! NO WAY!

Now, back to the hobby.

LTGTR! Who wants to play?

CivilBarrister's Avatar
Thanks for the info. I AGREE - if there is a Bait and Switch, or LAST MINUTE substitute without prior notice or approval, kick her to the curb.

Do not allow the B&S BS ladies to get away with it - doing so will only encourage future similar events.

I wonder if NJ will post a rebuttal in the Co-Ed forum to try to 'splain herself?
bigtexjef's Avatar
Great information RR. Thanks.
blowpop's Avatar
Good info, RR. Bait and Switch is BS - you should NEVER tolerate it.
well, shes definitely off my list. Thanks for the information.
thats lame to the 10th power. sorry rr. thanks for the report
srvfin's Avatar
Dude... Sorry 4 ur pain. Kuddos 4 the post though!
ric's Avatar
  • ric
  • 01-16-2010, 12:59 AM
The related alert thread with response from natalie
[ame="http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=49665#post496 65"]http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=49665#post496 65[/ame]
was locked. This one should be as well.
I posted this thread because of the B&S, which nj has denied in no uncertain terms.
Well and good. It is not what I know but what I can prove. He said, she said.
I feel this thread has served its purpose.
Please close it out as well as related threads begun by me in other forums.
I take the truth and the hobby seriously.

Thank you for your indulgence.

Best regards,

The related alert thread with response from natalie
was locked. This one should be as well. Originally Posted by ric
Because of the B&S, I posted in more than one forum.
It became He said, She said.
Fine with me. Mine is the easier task at the end of the day, since it is easier and better to have only one story to remember and to recall.

Best regards,
