Respect ...

DDarkness's Avatar
I have been thinking about this for some time and as I have visited other areas of the board I have realized that in Upstate NY there is a real lack of respect for the ladies, for other members, and for the community as a whole!

Am I generalizing, perhaps, but the negativity and name calling. The disrespect and harassment that flares up frequently is both a disappointment and a concern.

I am certain that I am going to be ripped a new one for posting this but at this point I really don't care because rampant disrespect is a violation of posting guidelines and it is something that is being addressed everyday and it's my hope that folks are getting the message.

Time will tell!

This is a board for hobbyists and providers to connect! It is a forum where we can share successes and identify concerns. It is a place where we can learn from each other and just maybe make some positive connections along the way and have some fun

My request, if I can make one, is that we tone down the negativity and that we start treating each other with more respect! The nasty and derogatory terms that are being thrown around detract from the way this board is supposed to operate, and the reality is that we have individuals who are leaving, both providers and hobbyists, because of the negativity!

I can say, with complete confidence, that I am going to get lambasted for making this post and requesting that we all recognize that a little respect and consideration goes along way! I also recognize that there are members who feel as I do, who do not buy into the negativity, but are hesitant to stand up and express themselves while there are others who don't care one way or another!

Disrespect and name calling really does detract from why we are here. The ladies, all of them, deserve to be treated with respect and in reality, we owe it to ourselves to treat each other with more respect!

Well said. I'll tone it down.
I've been pretty tame but agree with you DD, it seems certain members would rather sling mud than use the site for what it's here for, I might get blasted for agreeing but you are 1000% correct in that post
Thank you but in all fairness some of the providers treat there clients with disrespect so it must work both ways. You can't have one without the other
gman44's Avatar
Great post DD
Yeh I'm gona sit here with my hands folded and wach derkness nitpick us that team spirit homie and get over yourself
Guest010415's Avatar
I stay behind the scenes lately, and will until I fade away......
However, perhaps the MODS, or at least a few of them should re-read their "job duties" and treat EVERYONE equally.
I've seen much banter from many others that I would question. I've added to it, and started much on my own. Hence where the "problem" lies - some members get away with it, others get nasty PM's, almost threatening at times.
I've read the post about "Outing" and have seen members who do just that and NOTHING is said or done. They are still here posting their shit as they do all the time. I can think of one member specifically who attempted to "Out" me publicly, and literally, got away with it. More than once!!
As in a sports team that sucks, shit starts at the top and rolls downhill.

I do agree wholeheartedly though, the ladies should and DO deserve to be treated with nothing but the utmost respect. Especially the ones on here that are verified. They are there when (we) need them, and when we don't, (we) tend to treat them, well, not so nice as we talk among ourselves in the postings. We tend to use words or the phrase such as ATF. I really don't think many do know exactly what the phrase means, let alone treat (her) as such.
I'll get shit for this, I have before - These ladies are human beings, they are there for OUR benefit, and as a means to support their lives. I've been on the receiving end of many PM's where other members "remind" me they are a "piece of meat" or a "whore." These statements make my skin crawl.

I will say as well, some of the reviews are well over the top, almost to the point of too much detail if you will. Then again, if we don't add the detail, we get the PM's telling us to. So we are discussing treating the ladies with respect yet we get very detailed to the activities that went on during our time shared. Respect but we'll write how nice she tasted, or how she licked (our) asshole during the BBBJ. We'll get all excited if we read a lady BBBJTCNQNS. IE: swallowed. In my opinion, respect doesn't kiss and tell to that level.

FP fading back out.......
Well said frank
DDarkness's Avatar

Excellent points all!

Respect is a two way street and we get what we give and that being said Thank YOU!

Thanks for your frankness. Well stated and, from this perspective, right on target.
tigerjedi69's Avatar
There are always going to be some pinheads who make life difficult for the rest of us.
Yeh I'm gona sit here with my hands folded and wach derkness nitpick us that team spirit homie and get over yourself Originally Posted by J.J. Walker
DarkMess just approved my review in record time....
Wait till he finds out that I am going to honor his wishes and refrain from causing shit.
In the meantime.... I'll belly up to the all you can eat Krill buffet and wait for this new directive to pass.....

A thread asking us to behave ourselves is JUST what we needed!!!!
Thanks DD.... in case the BB threads go away... we'll have a new place to play.....
JohnnyCap's Avatar

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
And careful who you are calling gentleman......
Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Just a little..