new email address rubyred

So i know i just recently changed my phone number for safety reasons..but i now have a new EMAIL address also.

phone: 832-364-2196

thanks!!! PLEASE dont use my old one..and im hoping with any new reviews made of me my new email address and phone number is used. thank you

(fyi this is not an ad!!)
junglemonkey's Avatar
Wow and here am I thinking I was the only one up this late on a Saturday
Wow and here am I thinking I was the only one up this late on a Saturday Originally Posted by junglemonkey wisdom teeth surgery really messed up my sleeping schedule..

IM WIRED until at least 4 am every day!
junglemonkey's Avatar
Well my excuse is that I watch Tron Legacy in 3D and the brain cells that control sleep went batshit/
Well my excuse is that I watch Tron Legacy in 3D and the brain cells that control sleep went batshit/ Originally Posted by junglemonkey

great movie

and that is just too bad....


junglemonkey's Avatar
Damn, I never knew wisdom teeth could be that cruel. But I hope you feel better. Since I cant sleep, I am going to give myself nightmares by watching the Human Cenitped on Demand.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not the only ones that are up
Damn, I never knew wisdom teeth could be that cruel. But I hope you feel better. Since I cant sleep, I am going to give myself nightmares by watching the Human Cenitped on Demand. Originally Posted by junglemonkey
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend showed me that trailer months ago..BAD IDEA..i live ALONE. so that stuff gives me nightmares and i havent even seen the movie...YET...i want to just to see how in the hell somebody can make THAT SHIT look real...but yeah....anyways.........have fun with that...its going to scar you for life...ive heard...

Not the only ones that are up Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

well hey now officially an insomniac..are you?
Not the only ones that are up Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Just get back from the SC?
burner2157's Avatar
I'm an insomniac too.Have been for decades.Glad your doing better Ruby.
I'm an insomniac too.Have been for decades.Glad your doing better Ruby. Originally Posted by burner2157

lol...thank you
superstud11's Avatar
Hey Ruby,

I'm becoming an insomniac too. Nice new email address...something Houston can be proud of!