Mass Shooting in Orlando

Chung Tran's Avatar

damn.. 2 days after Christina Grimmie was murdered in Orlando.. an almost stereotypical family-oriented city home to Disney, Universal, etc.. the world is changing.
oldmarine's Avatar
Yes, the world is changing. I remember Christina Grimmie from her time on The Voice. I am beginning to loose faith in humanity!
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
It is fucking shit like this is why i carry a gun, and today when i go out i will have extra mags loaded with cor bon 9 mm amo that can stop shit like this i dont want to have to use but i will. and i have lost all faith with muslims they need to leave our country either bye choice or force and today i would rather it be the latter
Daisy Plow's Avatar
Fear not, Hillary is on her way!.... On second thought, she didn't do so well in Benghazi. And how did the Arab Spring debacle work out for us? Or the ouster of a long time ally in Hosni Mubarak or the creep Gaddafi? An unmitigated failure and utter fucking disaster! That shit hole region of the planet has never before been more unstable.
The one's to be worried about, are the dumb fucks who would elect this POS for
POTUS! With her as CIC of our only defense from these psychopaths, we're all fucked! And we can surely expect to see this same shit happen 1000 times over. Think before you vote, and Good luck out there!
This is a damn shame! It seems like now these days we can't be anywhere in public and enjoy ourselves without someone wanting to comment mass murder, scary times we live in. My heart goes out to their families.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Odumbo will be out shortly to tell us it was the gun and not the individual who was responsible
The mass shooter, Omar Mateen, is light skinned. If you had just shown me a picture of his face, I would have thought he was a white Italian. However, he is a Middle Eastern (Afghani) individual.

Not surprising since most Middle Easterners (Palestinians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Afghanis etc) are light skinned, almost white. India is definitely not part of the Middle East and Indians look very different from Middle Easterners.

In general, there are Muslims of every single race. There are millions of white Muslims, millions of black Muslims, millions of East Asian Muslims etc. Heck, the largest Muslim country in the world is an Asian country called Indonesia. No one "looks like a Muslim" just like no one "looks like a Christian".
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I for one feel for the families . my family lives closed to the San Bernardion Ca
shooting . shit we can't do anything any more with out some ass hat doing this to our
Country just last week in Ca ULA shooting same bull shit kill cues your pissed off at us
or Gay or what is the reason to kills us in THE USA ??
go to your own country and kill you own ppl ..
Glad I bought my AR-15 last month. Cheap too... Prices are about to go up again!

And you just know Trump's "ban all Muslims" is going to be headline news again...
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-12-2016, 12:46 PM
Trump just became president
  • MRMR
  • 06-12-2016, 01:02 PM
First off I feel for all involved.
It does not matter if you disagree with the lifestyle (If for religious or personal reasons) this is not acceptable.
But I agree that the debate now will be to ban assault weapons (all guns for that matter).
If you ban them the bad guys are still going to get them. We will be no safer.
Thoughts and prayers for all involved.

And yes if you plan to buy an AR in the next few months do it now before prices go up
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-12-2016, 03:09 PM
America is tired of this gun issue bullshit. People are able to call it now for what it is. Islamic terrorism and there is nothing that Obama and the left can do to change that. People are waking up and it took, sadly, more dead people, to understand it.

My thoughts and prayers for those that were victim to this.
Randall Creed's Avatar
He would probably pass most screening, given that he's not black and all.
Boltfan's Avatar
He would probably pass most screening, given that he's not black and all. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
There is no end to your bitter life
Chung Tran's Avatar

we need to find out the connection here... reminds me of 911, when we thought the crisis was over after the WTC crashes... only to discover the Pennsylvania flight and the Pentagon crash were impending..