Happy Independence Day to everyone

Its Me Again's Avatar
I want to wish all you ladys and gents a fun filled Independence Day. Enjoy yourselves, enjoy your families and enjoy each other. A special thanks to all or present and past armed service personnel for all you've done for our country and our way of life. Thank you!!
Thank you for this post sir!! As I fought for this country at more than one occasion in these last 13 years I want to thank those who supported us from the start not cause it was the cool thing to you. For the Vietnam vets that went though all those thing when you came home. The name calling and the actions of some people I thank you gentlemen the most!!! I have felt a small percentage of those thing coming back from Iraq... You gentlemen are my role models and so thankful to have the opportunity to fill a fraction of your boots!! For my Marine brothers Semper Fi!!
Happy Independence Day to you and everyone else as well.

DallasClient, well said and I thank you for you service!