Erogenous zones on women…and men

TinMan's Avatar
I got an email notification this morning from my hobby X account that highlighted a post from a woman who basically said, “guys, don’t stick your tongue in our ears. It’s not sexy to receive a wet Willy during sex.” My immediate thought was, “that makes sense, but what about brief, light nibbling of the ear lobe? I had a partner who used to enjoy that, and I kinda dig it, too.”

So, this general question, primarily directed at the ladies, but guys, too: outside of the areas we are always talking about (genitals, nipples), are there other areas to which you like some attention paid during sex?
My ATF gets chill bumps all over her body and her nipples can cut glass when I stick my tongue in her ears - little nibbles dont do it for her. I am the same way. So I wouldn’t put too much stock in that email and the author of it shouldn’t speak on behalf of all woman. This is a situation where WALDT very much applies.

For me, light fingernail pressure “scratching” on my inner thighs and groin and Pubic bone area makes me hard as ever
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I don't like my ears licked or a tongue makes me think of nails on a chalkboard just that wet willy feel is gross for me
and I'm not going to do it, never know how clean ears are lol

I do like my butt checks rubed on and inner thigh and after the inner thing, well we know what leads up to the kitty .
my nips wow that's where to start and kissing are Erogenous Zones
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
my nips wow that's where to start and kissing are Erogenous Zones Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
I'm getting a better picture of what sessions with you are like. And lately, I am really enjoying all of your posts where you make two great points as to why the new Image policy is a keeper.

Someday we can discuss the merits of holding a flute by the stem, as warm fingers can ruin the sparkling bubbles.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I'm getting a better picture of what sessions with you are like. And lately, I am really enjoying all of your posts where you make two great points as to why the new Image policy is a keeper.

Someday we can discuss the merits of holding a flute by the stem, as warm fingers can ruin the sparkling bubbles. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
I can't wait till that time cummmssss soon
Bubbles are fun ..
Deja Tha Doll's Avatar
I absolutely LOVE when a guy lightly grips the nape of my neck while I'm in my favorite position (doggy).

And if a guy wants to send shivers of pleasure down my spine, all he has to do is come up behind me and nuzzle his face, while lightly kissing, in between my neck and shoulders.

But the thing that drives me absolutely WILD, and makes me moan in pure ecstacy, is whenever I'm sitting on top of him, and he brings his arms around me, to where his fingertips are very lightly teasing me, as he slowly spreads my cheeks.

You have to start at that sweet spot with your middle fingers resting outside my asshole and the other two lightly resting on the taint, as the rest of the fingers slowly spread outwards towards the cheeks, slowly stretching me, then bringing them back in to the center to begin again, and again !!!

Teasing me!!

This sensation opens the pussy lips, caresses the sensitive taint area, while slowly stretches the asshole a bit, and feels amazing on the cheeks ALL AT ONCE!!!!

The key is to do it slowly. Gently, and barely grip it, so it has a light as a feather, barely there approach. As if all of that was seemingly done by mere coincidence !!!

OMG!! lol..... That type of action will make me whip my head back and moan blissfully. Then I usually pick up the pace and begin to ride that dick like a damn bull at the rodeo!! And when that happens you better hold on, because l promise, I'll milk you, as you lay back, like your name's Betsey lmao !!!
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
in between my neck and shoulders
A romantic man loves to place kisses there, inhaling the ladies fragrant skin, with soft, warm breaths. Feeling the lady melt can be intoxicating.
DallasRain's Avatar
pinch or lightly bit my left nipple..omfg sooo erotic!!

Scratch my back with your nails..even better!!!
CG2014's Avatar
This is all you need to know, Ladies and Gents:

1. Ears · 2. Lips · 3. Neck · 4. Breasts · 5. Butt · 6. Inner Thighs · 7. Vagina

Monica : “You could start out with a little 1, 2, 1-2-3, 3, 5, 4, 3-2, 2, 2- 4-6, 2-4-6, 4, 2, 2, 4-7, 5-7, 6-7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, seven!”
Bushjumper's Avatar
I had no idea that 'Friends' was such an educational show.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Had a high school girlfriend who could actually come in roughly a minute when her left earlobe was sucked. I shit you not.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
WEC, your chart left out the most important zone of all. The brain. And men have many erogenous zones. Funny pick, but not real accurate
CG2014's Avatar
Had a high school girlfriend who could actually come in roughly a minute when her left earlobe was sucked. I shit you not. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I believe you. I had a gf in the 90s who would orgasm just from massaging the small of her back.
Attachment 882764 Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
LMAO!!! So True!!!