is anything what is seems anymore?

Lunytunz's Avatar
I read in the news yesterday that the typical recognition the US Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy recieve at NFL games are paid endorsments by the military. Particularly the Cowboys. They are paid approximately $60, 000 per endorsement. I am a veteran, my family has served. Both my children are serving. I have a tremendous amount of respect to those that have served to protect our liberty. I have always applauded the NFL, and other sporting events, on their effort to recognize our nations military and those serving. Now I find out that they are paid to do it! Is it possible that these sports teams cannot recognize them without making a dollar? Tell me its not true! Is unadulterated respect a sham? I am truly, deeply saddened and disappointed.
pyramider's Avatar
Why are you surprised? The NFL does not do anything without there being a revenue stream ...
txexetoo's Avatar
I hope you're wrong. To me that's disgusting. But we all know Jerry Jones is a disgusting son of a bitch so this doesn't surprise me
bored@home's Avatar
I hope you're wrong. To me that's disgusting. But we all know Jerry Jones is a disgusting son of a bitch so this doesn't surprise me Originally Posted by txexetoo
I hoped also but a quick search boom.

I feel the same disgust.