haplee leeborday!

Plastic Man's Avatar
the day all the ol cuck commie ...lib marxist shitbag jimmies gets ...a day offs a their fizzle ...flop jobs an drink their fizzle flop beer an eats ...their fizzle flop hamburger
Inversion's Avatar
Happy labor day to you too PM, have fun 'jerkin around the old marxist shitbag jimmies and goin' after their marxist friends with a old 'rusty chainsaw and a nasty old shovel! That's not too much to carry right?
Alchemist2u's Avatar
@ Plasticman -huh? Lee was NEVER boring
edr1322's Avatar
She is still around and is UTR I still see her along with her regulars PM that is disrespect full to such a fine lady have a wonder full day. Ed
Plastic Man's Avatar
PM that is disrespect full to such a fine lady Originally Posted by edr1322
plastic man ...is sorrlee

...an she is a ...fine ...lady ...who done loved lickin yer ...plastic mans ...shitter
Carlos Danger's Avatar
"Lee1968" referring to year of emigration rather than birth I assume. It'd be disrespectful to lead the fellas to another conclusion whew
Inversion's Avatar
plastic man ...is sorrlee

...an she is a ...fine ...lady ...who done loved lickin yer ...plastic mans ...shitter Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Now theres' the post we were waiting for!