Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This is in response to Dip Dingaling Dong jr.

I'm confused.. because I had ALWAYS heard that the masks weren't to protect yourself.. they were to protect others from you. I'm not sure how so many didn't get that message months and months ago and are just now acting like they've never heard that. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That's one thing the CDC and Fauci said at one time. They also said the opposite of that, though. So, if you cherry pick what Dr. Fauci and the CDC have said, then it can all make perfect sense to you. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Neither the CDC, nor Fauci, said the opposite. You are completely wrong. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Literally took a 2 second Google search LOL.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Dr Shoshana is a babe!
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is in response to Dip Dingaling Dong jr.

Literally took a 2 second Google search LOL.
Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Have you ever noticed how EVERY SINGLE TIME Mr. Punk says "you are completely wrong", he is completely wrong? I've proved him completely wrong on several occasions and he keeps coming back for more but I have nothing against masochists..
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
People cherry pick what the CDC has said and they make it make sense in their own minds. They ignore all the contradictory shit the CDC spewed out to the public while only acknowledging the few things that made sense.

And, also, you can't forget about T R U M P.

Almost everything they've said was contradicted by themselves.

They fucking failed.

If anyone takes them seriously, then they're lost on the shores of dildo island, where upon there's no reason to get rescued. Because it's an anal raping paradise, with all the dildos one could ever wish for.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Guess I use the wrong parenting method. I find it better for all parties to just mute and ignore the creature - basically starve it's need for attention. No wonder I never got the Parent of the Year Award...

Have you ever noticed how EVERY SINGLE TIME Mr. Punk says "you are completely wrong", he is completely wrong? I've proved him completely wrong on several occasions and he keeps coming back for more but I have nothing against masochists.. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
rexdutchman's Avatar
anyone still listen to the politico cdc ,,,
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Well I was hoping a member of the peanut gallery would respond, but I guess they will ignore this and continue to defend Fauci and the CDC LOL, because "THE SCIENCE" and T R U M P.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Did they every specify which one?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I watched a video which classified surgical masks as "loose fitting masks," which were dangerous, but I think generally speaking, the MSM just wanted people to literally wear a cloth around their mouth, which doesn't really do anything, but also protects you, protects other people and is more powerful than a vaccine. That's if you go off of what the CDC has said.
Don't get those who don't or don't want to understand basic principles of usage and purpose of different types of masks. Not really that hard. Pretty much a moot point now if vaccinated. Live and let live, or if a Bond fan, Live and Let Die. I'm vaccinated, so you can do as you wish. But why bemean someone for their choice?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This isn't about people choosing to wear masks. Watch the video at least before responding.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The video says that cloth masks protect the wearer, according to the CDC, which proves pfunkdenver wrong.

That's what the thread is about. Doi?

Did you pay attention to anything in this thread? It seems like you're responding to the title only.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Don't get those who don't or don't want to understand basic principles of usage and purpose of different types of masks. Not really that hard. Originally Posted by reddog1951
This is the peanut galleries response to the OP?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar