Stay Safe Ladies

Perryftthomas's Avatar
Saw this article last night. Stay Safe out there ladies.
Perryftthomas's Avatar
Saw this article last night. Stay Safe out there ladies.
DallasRain's Avatar
wow scarey
thx for sharing!
DallasRain's Avatar
That is scary.
That is scary. We all need to look out for each other
Probably should remove this post since it gives away private info of a lady in this business.
yourdesire's Avatar
Thanks for the warning. Thats about 5 miles from me.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Probably should remove this post since it gives away private info of a lady in this business. Originally Posted by kansascitynoname
So we should not discuss what pimps to to some of the women. OK turn away, it is not any of our business! Wow, where did you learn about logic and morals.
yourdesire's Avatar
Probably should remove this post since it gives away private info of a lady in this business. Originally Posted by kansascitynoname
Have you seen her? I didn't realize she was a provider though I thought it seemed as though she knew the people who took her. Has anyone heard any updates on this? Wondering if she's still alive. I hope so
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Provider yes, board member no.
As the report mentions, there's not much local pd can do unless she's found, or they hear from her.
kusmaldo's Avatar
Scary stuff,I'm assuming most providers carry heat?