Looking like a hooker in an upscale hotel

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Picture this....

You arrive at the designated hotel (let's use the four seasons for our purposes) and have a seat in the lobby (as per instructions from your provider.) She sends you a text that says she'll be right down to get you. When she comes out of the elevator her outfit, makeup, and shoes SCREAM "I'm a hooker. I'm a hooker." You get up to greet her and can feel every eye in the room staring at you because they all know why you're there.

Now I tag along on many appts as the massage before the session. I'm always pretty self concious of what I wear when I go out anywhere in public on the job. I always look either very casual or business casual (trying to fit the hotel I'd be in.) More than once or twice, the provider has come down to greet us wearing a skirt so short her underwear show from the back and taller heels than a stripper. The shirts are almost always see through with fish net something or other somewhere on her body. I get embarrassed FOR her and can't get into the room fast enough.

I'm just wondering if I'm the only one that feels it's a tad inappropriate to greet a client in the lobby of a hotel like the four seasons dressed like a street hooker? I don't think alot of these girls realize what they look like in a place like that. Blending into your surroundings is a mandatory skill for a successful provider and I don't see how that is accomplished when you look like you belong on the streets or the strip club (not saying the look is bad at all, just not right for the place you are in.) I like slutty.

I may be alone, but I'd really like to have a conversation about this. Girls how do you see this and feel when you walk out looking like that (and be honest.) Guys, how do you feel when this happens to you?
100% agree... But we normally do... Miss u
I agree, if i see a girl dressed like that in a fine establishment its a dead giveaway. But then again for me that is there is something incredibly sexy about a woman in pinstripe business casual outfit and heels..... yummy.... I loves me a professional gal, behind closed doors it can get as slutty as she wants and im all good with it but in public a lady should look like a lady. As a provider i would think you wouldnt want to attract too much attention seeing as LE always seems to be around or management could tip uncle leo off at any time.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
But then again for me that is there is something incredibly sexy about a woman in pinstripe business casual outfit and heels..... yummy.... Originally Posted by Imreadynow31
Oh, Yeah...
Tyler1189's Avatar
This exactly happened to me, but I wont say her name because she is on here. She greeted me wearing an almost see through white tube dress with nothing under it, you could see the outline of her nipples and the crack of her butt when she turned around. It was sexy looking yes I cant deny it, so if she answered the door like this I would love it. But in such a hotel I know all the people there were wondering how much noise was about to happen. At the time I was blushed, but in the end, I know I have never seen any people from there, so it isnt a bad memory. But I agree you should dress appropriate unless it is part of some sex in public fantasy.
Wow. I guess to each their own. I try to meet my dates in the hotel bar and I like to be there before they arrive. I'm always dressed in a suit or semi-casual dress and appropriate heels (3-4 inches). I do this to avoid those looks. For all the staff and other guests know, we're on a blind date, a dinner meeting, or I'm greeting my husband. Drawing attention is not something I'm looking to do, and I can't see why other ladies would do that. Yes, when we're BCD, I want your attention..only yours. In public, its the same way for a different reason.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar

Could not agree more.

Keep your guest guessing, keep your BCD attire, BCD.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
You have to be adaptable. Dress for the environment and/or circumstances under which you'll be meeting a gentlemen. Alas, some ladies are just one-note wonders and don't get it.
rylstone's Avatar
Many years ago I saw an attractive conservativly dressed woman striding across the lobby of a Vegas hotel. Something about her manner, not her dress, told me why she was there. I stopped and stared. She glanced back and caught my eye - she knew that I knew and she was all right with that. .
Dressing like that is embarrassing, not only is your date looking, but the hotel staff.....Yikes. There is no way you come up with a decent excuse either.

And you said upscale hotel....yes dress to impress. Not so much the date, because that comes later, but dress to impress the staff........they have their eyes on you. Especially out of towners and fresh faces.

Sexy business suit is better, way sexy and blends right in..
I'd turn and walk away. If the lady lacks the common sense to be discrete and subtle she's not gonna interest me in the least.
I agree. I am constantly paranoid that I might look like a provider, LOL. I tend to dress WAAAAAAY down in my real life, I do not like the attention, believe it or not. I hate when people talk to my boobs and not my face, so I try to hide 'em to the best of my ability. I also dress down when I check in or greet someone in the lobby/elevator (I hate doing that, too), although I have slutted it up on occasion per request, but it makes me very uncomfortable. I guess I always feel like I have 'provider' stamped on my forehead so I try to be as un-provider-like as possible.

I was at a hotel last night and I swear I could pick out the providers that were swarming the place, I just cannot be that obvious. Not my thing. Don't like being gawked at.
Personally, if I were to meet/greet a Provider in the lobby of an upscale hotel I'd like to see her walk up to me in a nice pair of 501's and oversized top. That'd get my head into the game in a hurry wondering what's inside this subdued package!
The few times I have seen providers in hotels for the most part they ask me to call then they give me the room number. I did see one provider that was on a key card floor, I called and she came down. It was summer and she was dressed appropriately in jean shorts (not too short), sandals and a non revealing peasant blouse. She huged me and said how good it was to see me again (we had never met). We went up to the room and she excused herself, when she returned she was warring matching "Betty Paige" bra and panties and 6 inch heels, the real deal - Reese McClain.

In RL once I had a GF who wanted to dress like a hooker and met me in the hotel bar. OK it was a turn on.
[quote=Dannie;549407]I agree. I am constantly paranoid that I might look like a provider, LOL. I tend to dress WAAAAAAY down in my real life, I do not like the attention, believe it or not. I hate when people talk to my boobs and not my face,

Reminds me of an old SNL skit, in the distant future women's eyes have migrated to their breasts, cause that is the only place men look. However I can testify that Dannie boobs talk back.