
I'd like to apologize to all the ladies. I realize I've wasted some of your time. I'm new and a bit too excited. If I've disrespected you or wasted your time I do sincerely apologize. Thank you for your time.
dodger's Avatar
sometimes ,,, something seems like a good idea at the time. then ... it passes. sometimes ... it isn't until you've begun communications that you realize the kind of connection you want is not there with this particular lady. or circumstances change. "wasting time" is a bad thing but it is also subjective.

as long as you are sincerely considering booking ... cut yourself some slack. having said that, be honest. make an initial contact to determine if you both agree that the session would be successful, fun (preferably for both of you). after that, go dark until you have your ducks lined up and you are ready to squeeze the trigger.

.. that's just me ... i'm sure any lady you contact will provide additional and perhaps more helpful guidance on the subject.

PS .. when i think i'm good at wasting time .. i get a life's lesson .. folks camping out for a week to see a movie? really?
Noted. I'm like a kid in a candy store. Too excited. I'll have to reign it in.
inspector farquar's Avatar
How can you expect forgiveness without properly detailing your sins? That original post is quite generic. Do take a minute and describe, if not all, at least the worst of, your faux pas. It's been said confession is good for the soul. You'll feel better.
nuglet's Avatar
Just go in the closet and say 25 "Hail Mary's" and it'll all be good..
RandB fan's Avatar
Just go in the closet and say 25 "Hail Mary's" and it'll all be good.. Originally Posted by nuglet
Don't forget lube and a tissue
I have either PM'd or texted too much trying to find what I like.
Why do I feel like this thread is simply a furtherance of your attention-seeking behavior?
It's not I can assure you. I just wanted to set things right.
dodger's Avatar
Why do I feel like this thread is simply a furtherance of your attention-seeking behavior? Originally Posted by BiancaBonVivant
oh ... be quiet! get back on the bed ... put your hands behind your back .. like a good naughty girl.

your showcase makes me wish i could be ... more edgy ... but this little voice keeps saying "dodger, that is way too much woman for you" ... truth be told, i hear that voice a lot ... saying the same thing ... over and over.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
It is easy to get behind with the ladies at first, lack of experience, the excitement of winderland and just not knowing. I got a few ladies on my bad side at first as I booked to many to keep track of and did not know what the educate was, but we as hobbyist learn from our mistakes, and the mistakes of others, keep asking questions so others can learn too.

You are only a newb once, enjoy it.

Oh I've learned now. I'll be a good boy from now on. Now to rid myself of the stigma.
Whispers's Avatar
Why do you care what a whore thinks about you?

Do you have money?

You are going to get laid.

No money?

No attention.

They care about getting you in and then out the door. The moment you leave they go back to their lives. You should go back to yours.

The only way you are off to a bad start here is in thinking it matters.

If you are interested in buying a new HD Tv and you go to Best Buy and Sears and Wal Mart asking questions of all the sales people there trying to understand what you might want...... or you go to 5 different carlots getting explanations of cars and options.....

and then you go on-line and make the purchase do you go back to them or call them and apologize for wasting their time?

Dealing with prospective clients is part of the business.

At each and every contact you made was an opportunity for the hooker that you were talking to win you over as a client.

Their loss....

Not yours.

They have a shelf life.

You don't.

Stop and evaluate what you are here for and what it costs you and maybe you will see the light.

Maybe not.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-10-2015, 05:08 PM
I'd like to apologize to all the ladies. I realize I've wasted some of your time. I'm new and a bit too excited. If I've disrespected you or wasted your time I do sincerely apologize. Thank you for your time. Originally Posted by Tedd02
Newbie, its cool...

And it just so happens that the ever vigilant development team at TOYZINDUSTREEZ not only hears your pleas of anguish, but we react.

For a limited time, we are offering our GUARANTEED "STIGMA REMOVING KIT" for the rock bottom price of $400!

That's right, you can easily remove the stench of newbie stigma by using our 3 step kit, sent to your home in a plain brown unmarked package.

Our stigma kit includes instructions written in 27 languages as well as a visual guide to using sign language & smoke signals...


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Hoogar #2:

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Remember, that's $400 in unmarked $20 bills...

{{{A picture of the TI Stigma Removal kit}}}

fun2come's Avatar

Wait until they start to waste your time ...

... unfortunately it's part of the hobby on both sides

Oh and IB, it's Wunderland or Wonderland unless you meant Kinderland which would be verboten on Eccie .... and then there is Winterland, but that's a cold place and last time I checked it's HOT here.

I just call it the Candy Shop, but then not all qualify (sadly) for that