Nola girl looking to experience Texas

Hi there! So I'm a New Orleans girl that has never been to Texas & I'm really curious to try my hand at Texas & take it all in. I'd love to see about touring in Houston and some of the other cities this week or next & visit with some of you boys!

Check out my site, maybe, or shoot me a email -I'm really excited to try and see Texas! Let me know what your guys think? Thanks!
chicagoboy's Avatar
Start in El Paso, then work your way east. When you get to Scroggins Draw, flip a coin.
welcome to lone star...
LexusLover's Avatar
When you get to Scroggins Draw, flip a coin. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I've thought all along that was Scrotums Draw. Are you sure?
cabletex7's Avatar
If you decide to come, welcome to Texas, but . . .

Don't mistake the number of emails/PMs you get to an indication of level of interest. If you truly want to gauge how successful your trip is going to be, compare your rates with comparable Houston providers'. Good luck.
$400 an hour, no thanks.
Bandit77's Avatar
El Paso gorgeous!!
I was always under the impression of southern hospitality. I guess I'm being shown otherwise. My apologies. I didn't realize & being taught otherwise. Have a good evening, sorry for the bother.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Imagine our surprise when we found out you placed the same ad in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Chicago and Atlanta. We realized you were just trifling with our affections.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That WAS nice. Don't apologize. You're just too sensitive.