Get your poppcorn ready!

So yesterday a gentleman with the handle HighwayMan requested an outcall for 7pm. He also provieded me with his P411 ID [P411 IDs are not to be posted in the open. You can always share it through private channels. -Matador] His location was just across the street so I decided I would not charge for an outcall which is 350. I only charged him for an incall rate of 300. I met him at the bar downstairs and then we proceeded to his room. As we began our BCD activities I noticed that he kept trying to position me a certain way and he kept lookiing out into that direction. Well damn the guy was recording me without my permission. I was very upset I do not want to be recorded ever and never with out my permission. I then stopped after i had only been there 20-30 mins and when I noticed the camera. I asked him to delete the recording and he insisted that he had not been recording and he would not let me see his phone. I was not going to leave with that recording in his phone. I have a cousin that lives close by and I called for some help. He came to the room and demanded to see the phone so he could delete the recording and that was done. I noticed that he had shorted me and only had 280, he says it because of my special but I had previously dicussed that the special would not be available for outcalls especially when I hadn't charged for outcall. He went to his wallet and gave me the $20 and we then left at about 7:40. Later on last night I get a PM from handle FunLovin12 at 10:33 requesting an appointment that night or today. I see he has no reviews and is new so I ask for references and never get a response. Today I wake up to my P411 revoked and then a bad review from a handle I had never seen. The real outcall was to HighwayMan.

Ladies if any of you have seen him and he has paid to record you or has tried to secretly record you while in session please come forward it is not right for him to record without our permission.
What else should I have done in this situation, I was not going to let him get away with a video of me.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
So there was no pimp involved as stated in his review title?:
Also, if you don't mind what is the physical description of your "cousin"?

I would certainly agree that if someone does not want to be taped or photographed, that should be respected.

Did you check with Preferred 411 on the reason for their action?
So there was no pimp involved as stated in his review title?:
Also, if you don't mind what is the physical description of your "cousin"? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Does physical description say who or what you are? Does nationality determine you?
It really doesnt matter what my cousin looks like, what matters is there was no violence only demanding that the client not have a video of me to do whatever he pleases.

I would certainly agree that if someone does not want to be taped or photographed, that should be respected.

Did you check with Preferred 411 on the reason for their action? Originally Posted by Fritz52
I contacted gina and all she had to say is you account has been revoked, I asked was there anything I could do to fix it and she replied with "Maybe in a few years I will reconsider after you have many, many good reviews from established clients". It's obvious gina did not care that a client went againts my wishes and recorded me, It's just wrong and what other choice did I have but to get help in retriveing his phone to delete it. I was not going to try to do it myslef for safety reasons. Nothing was staken from him and he was not hurt.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 10-18-2012, 09:12 PM
Are you stating HighwayMan and FunLovin12 are the same as FunLovin12's review describes your encounter with HighwayMan?
Are you stating HighwayMan and FunLovin12 are the same as FunLovin12's review describes your encounter with HighwayMan? Originally Posted by S-Man
What the fuck? Leave me out of this shit. I tried to hookup with her yesterday, but it didn't work out, her rate was too high.

I don't want anything of this shit.
What the fuck? Leave me out of this shit. I tried to hookup with her yesterday, but it didn't work out, her rate was too high.

I don't want anything of this shit.
That was you, you never messaged me with FunLovin12 till after our encounter.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
What the fuck? Leave me out of this shit. I tried to hookup with her yesterday, but it didn't work out, her rate was too high.

I don't want anything of this shit. Originally Posted by HighwayMan
So Highwayman are you saying you never met this person and you have no idea who Aliona is- this could be very easy to determine who is lying- Aliona can send a copy of the request that Highwayman man made and if everything adds up it will be easy to determine if Highwayman is indeed funlovin12.
Highwayman it's mighty strange that your last previous post was back in August of this year- so of all of a sudden you got an inkling to log on to eccie and discover lo and behold someone is talking about you????

flowerflower1's Avatar
so someone who has several good reviews goes to an outcall where someone else might or might not have tried to record them.... so someone #1 then calls her cousin or pimp to take care of things and then someone #2 may or may not have written a real or fake review that p411 has taken for the gospel truth.... this is messed up to say the least...
So you are saying that sent your cousin to the room to demand payment and deletion of the video?

How did he do this, did he threaten him? Or was like 'okay no problem here's 20, and let me remove this video for you'?

I am going to close this thread temporarily while I sort through all the data.

Here is what I need you to do for me:

Go to your private messages, and find the ones that you have from HighwayMan and FunLovin12. I want you to do an RTM ( report to moderator ) for each one of them.

To report a private message, open the message and on the top ribbon and to the right, find the RTM button. It looks like this:

Click on it, and a box will open asking you for a message. All you need to do is state that you are reporting a private communication with the owner of that handle, and please add the date and time registered on the private message. I will look into this in detail within reason. Also, any pertinent information that you feel is important and want to share, please send it to me by private message.

I am not making any promises one way or the other, only that I will look into this. I will re-open the thread once I have completed investigating and report the results here.
Everyone has waited long enough, and I thank you for that, I looked at the available information in detail and made sure I wasn't drawing erroneous conclusion, from going over the evidence. I will keep my summary focused on things related to multiple accounts and board activities. We do not endorse the factual accuracy of the events that transpired during their encounter. We can only report on the issues linked to ECCOE, and the activities of those accounts.

To keep things simple, I will refer to the man of many handles as Mr. B. This I believe will make it easier to follow the story without it getting too complicated.

Who is Mr. B?
This is what we know. Mr. B has been around the hobby for many years. He had stated this himself, and we found evidence of his presence on ECCIE for a while, and he has been a member of P411 for some time where he is Mr. B. A guy who had established himself in the community. Someone who didn't attract unwanted attention to his Mr. B identity. We know there is a dark side to Mr. B, but obviously don't know how dangerous his bad intentions can be.

Who is Mr. B on ECCIE?
Mr. B was an entity with many faces on ECCIE, but let's start with the one who started this drama.
FunLovin12 was the latest account created by Mr. B. The joint date for that account was 10/12/2012. Mr. B used this account to create two threads, one in the Men's Lounge ( I am revealing this for transparency ), and the other one to write this review: Review: Aliona and her Pimp. Both threads are very similar in their content.

Mr. B candidly revealed that he wasn't new to the board, but he had to create a new account because his old account was disabled. This is true, his older account bailey243 was disabled, and it is my belief he was revealing this to give himself some credibility. I checked and sure enough, the accounts were from the same user. It is worth noting that Mr. B created a second account on 10/12/2012. He never got around to using it.

Mr. B is also HighwayMan and one other handle now disabled.

How did Mr. B operate to set up appointments?
This is a good lesson for those who don't take screening seriously. Mr. B is a talented and deceitful individual when he is planning to run some stunt, His preferred method of contact is through text messages, and email is his second choice. He takes his time to have a cover-up/ alibi ready in case things don't go as planned. He creates what is likely to be a new burn handle, so that his Mr. B identity would remain without blemish. He prefers to target new girls on the scene, because they are relatively unknown, not yet established, and they are no match for him with his many years in the hobby. There are some interesting things about how he operates on P411. That is not my area, and even though Gina gave me plenty of access ( thanks Gina ), I will leave it up to her to chime in if she chooses to.

How did Mr. B set up the appointment with Aliona ?
After Aliona reported her three contacts with HighwayMan I was able to confirm that Mr. B used this handle to set up the appointment. In the introductory message HighwayMan introduced himself as Mr. B to Aliona. He immediately offered his number to start texting with her. He also requested a time for the appointment and that is when the date was set. Mr. B then used his burn handle FunLovin12 to introduce himself as Mike and just asked if she had any availability, nothing more.. After reviewing the messages reported by Aliona, we find that her statements on this thread regarding contact and appointment with Mr B as HighwayMan are 100% accurate.

Attempting to get cooperation from Mr. B.
Despite all this evidence, I gave Mr. B every opportunity to cooperate with my investigation. I sent a PM inquiry to all his handles. His burn handle FunLovin12 was the one he used to keep the communication going. I wanted to be fair and gave him the opportunity to explain his multiple accounts violations. In his first reply he just denied knowing anything about HighwayMan . When I presented more evidence to him, he admitted to creating that second handle on 10/12/2012, stated that he had lost the password, but denied the other handles. He was given every opportunity to come clean but refused to do it, so the communication was discontinued.

The preferred411 connection.
When I wasn't getting cooperation from him, I got in touch with Gina, who took time off her busy day to provide valuable data. I will not post here all the details ( that is Gina's arena and choice ), but his ECCIE handle bailey243 was at one time linked to his unblemished Mr. B identity.

Quick review.
Mr. B using his burn handle FunLovin12 tells us that he used to be bailey243. ECCIE data shows the accounts to be linked. P411 information also confirms that Mr. B's identity was linked to bailey243 . ECCIE archives show bailey243 and HighwayMan and FunLovin12 to be linked. HighwayMan in introducing himself to Aliona, identifies himself as Mr. B.

Are there any previous incidents with Mr. B?

I didn't have the time to research more in-depth, but found one other instance where Mr. B came to the board with charges of pimp involvement and created drama for the lady. He used two handles to do this.

His burn handle HighwayMan was registered on 01/27/2012. On that same date, he posted this thread Beware of Priscilla Lynn's pimp .If you read his original post to that thread, the elements of the story are the same: One poor hobbyist just wanting to get together with a new young thing. Then comes the big black pimp imagery, and his sob story of how he was robbed.There are several veteran members of this board that bought his story. I call these multiple accounts burn handles because he just wanted to inflict damage and couldn't care any less about the new account.
I think all of these post are a pimp war over a girl. Ban them both no need for pimps or racial slurs on this board. Too much drama here. Originally Posted by bailey243
What Aliona and MissPriscillaLyn have in common is that both were new to the board when Mr. B decided to make them a target. They both had new glowing reviews and then the drama unleashed by Mr. B.

End of report.
A special thanks to Gina and preferred411 who helped me get the final details when Mr. B refused to cooperate. Also thanks to surfindick for providing direction. I have provided as much detail as possible while protecting the sensitive data. There isn't much content that I could add to this thread beyond what I have already posted here. I have covered what was needed and now the members know.

The thread is now open for discussion. Please keep it civil and hopefully everyone will be able to evaluate things with the added information that has been provided.
