Just a question, did not know where else to turn

So, I've been seeing this young girl for sometime now. She comes off as a really innocent sweet, hasn't done much (sexually) type of girl.

She tells me that she has only had sex once (not one partner but just once) before me.

Now I'm in no way "big" 7ish inches and thick enough to get the paper roll stuck almost a quarter way down the shaft.

I've only had sex with her thrice. But to me she seems to be a little "loose" if you know what I mean.

I guess I was just wondering, if any of you out there, had any idea if this was something that happens.

If she has only had sex once before, wouldn't she be really tight?

Like I said just did not know where else to turn.

Thanks in advance.

bojulay's Avatar
Girls are built differently as far as that goes, some are just naturally
more loose than others, really has nothing to do with how much
sex they have had, that is a myth. But having a baby, now that
can change things a little. That's why God created Kegels

A girls vagina naturally becomes more loose when she is sexually
aroused, if a girl is really tight it could mean that she isn't very
aroused and ready for your (Cheap porn novel reference) Throbbing

What dose this all mean concerning your relationship with her?
She likes you, she really likes you.

There should be a lot of info on the internet about it, just google
the question.
mtabsw's Avatar
You're not big, you're Porn star average. No Greek for you unless she's a real fanatic.

Nice threAD.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
You stick your dick in a paper roll?
You stick your dick in a paper roll? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat

Yeah, funny i know. but back when the internet was just starting and there were no "pics" this chick I was chatting with wanted me to describe how thick i was. She suggested trying to put it in a toilet paper roll to get an idea of how thick i was. She said that paper rolls were all the same size so that gave her a good description of my size.

Girls are built differently as far as that goes, some are just naturally
more loose than others, really has nothing to do with how much
sex they have had, that is a myth. But having a baby, now that
can change things a little. That's why God created Kegels

A girls vagina naturally becomes more loose when she is sexually
aroused, if a girl is really tight it could mean that she isn't very
aroused and ready for your (Cheap porn novel reference) Throbbing

What dose this all mean concerning your relationship with her?
She likes you, she really likes you.

There should be a lot of info on the internet about it, just google
the question. Originally Posted by bojulay

Thanks for the info. I was kinda leaning that way but was not sure and just wanted to get a discussion on the topic going.

I'd really hoped that some of the ladies on this site would give their insight and opinions.
Spikebaby's Avatar
honestly....You have already sabatoged the relationship. You don't believe her about her sex partners because you think her vagina is more loose than you expected.

Wait...Is that what you were asking?

Red Tex's Avatar
Does she muscle tone? Is she a BBW?

From my experience the skinny ones or the muscled up ones are usually tighter. I have only been with one skinny one with a loose vagina.

And one stripper I used to see was "loose" until the action started up and then it tightened up.

Also, why would a vagina be the one muscle the more it is worked out the looser it gets???

I remember the first time I hit a really tight vagina and that was a provider, with years of experience!
Hmmm a question in here about if you should believe her? Strange place to be asking that, but then I believe every thing I read in here.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
All women are different. I've had preternaturally huge men come to see me because they think because I'm much larger than average, that I would be bigger "down there".

That is so far from the truth as to be laughable.

Larger women have the reputation of being sometimes much smaller there. And I've known skinny ladies who had the vaginal equivalent of the Grand Canyon.

It seems rather unfair of you to judge your sweet and innocent friend in such a manner. When women are new to sex, they're very nervous because generally, we REALLY want to please the man that we're with.

Why? Because when young women have sex, they equate it with love or an extreme like. They're GIVING of themselves to you and offering you a gift. Much like WE do here.

So what I'm seeing is this very wonderful gift that you've been given by this woman, you're questioning her integrity. Why men think that women are consummate liars, I haven't a clue.

I would suggest enjoying this very nice woman and continue to appreciate her unique charms. Also, she might not even KNOW how to squeeze her muscles during sex to make things more tight.

Also, please for the love of all that is holy do NOT tell her that she's not tight. It would be a VERY cruel thing for you to say and that will follow her all through her life.

Otherwise, good luck. It's nice that you asked us because we're a bunch of experienced sex pervs here. But when you're dealing with someone who isn't a sex worker or heavily involved with having multiple sex partners or inexperienced, I would give her the benefit of the doubt.

I agree with Elisabeth. I've always heard that a heavier woman has a tighter vagina because her flesh inside thickens. I had a friend who had to get a smaller diaphragm when she gained weight because the vaginal walls had plumped up.

oohhhh plumped up vaginal walls, man HoneyRose you sure know how to push my buttons!
LovingKayla's Avatar
If she's only had sex once, it's very likely she doesn't know to do her kegal exercises. (sp)

When you practice enough, you can have a guy lay still inside you and you can literally puff up the walls of your whoha back and forth till he comes. It's really cool, but she'll need to practice.
Coast?cruiser's Avatar
Kayla, let me know the next time you need to practice!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
This thread and all it's responses gave me a GOOD laugh. Thanks, lol