Raven needing some validation.

CravinRaven2's Avatar
I had a crazy day. I tried to take a 7pm appointment. At 6:30 I had to come to terms that I could not be physically ready nor was I in a right frame of mind to give a relaxing massage to a new client. I texted him 30 min before the appointment to cancel. Also by his text it seemed like he want more of a Dominatrix than a massage, which I was definitely not mentally up for.
I picked up my phone 30 min later to see the client said he had drove for two hours.
I was going to try to see him. I felt bad that he drove all that way. So, I called him. I tried to explain, I apologized, I was going to try to see him despite the negatives. He seemed inconsolable. I offered him a discount. He got more mad. How could I have taken care of this better?
Thank you
My Comrades in Kink!!
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Sounds like you went the extra on this one. Sometimes people can be very inconsiderate of other peoples RW crap that happens. Roll it off . I drove 2 hours to Arkansas one time and I was 6 miles from her and I got a text her dog died. Wasn't an excuse, said I was sorry and headed home. I'm seeing her again next week. You did great Kid don't worry about it.
DallasRain's Avatar
Yep ditto
Stuff happens on both sides of the fence....dust it off,pull up your thongs,set a smile on your face and ROCK ON sexy!!! Mwahhhh!!!
CravinRaven2's Avatar
Awwwwe thank you guys... xoxoxoxo
  • leo57
  • 06-11-2019, 06:39 AM
Raven, I've had this happen to me before as well as a client, and I would say where you messed up was to wait a half hour after your text cancelling to pick up your phone and see his response. That gave him a half hour to get more and more irritated as he turned around and drove back home.

What you did was much better than the gal that last texted me when I left home then never responded again after I drove 45 minutes to see her, but you asked how you could have handled it better and there is my opinion on that.

Yep you probably did the right thing to cancel, but if you left him hanging for 30 minutes before you looked at his response then that is the one thing that could have been done better. He worked up a pretty good pissed off in the 30 minutes of no communication and he would not have been a good client at that point even is he had agreed to see you.

Sorry it happened, but there ain't no fixing it now so just shake it off and move on.