Video Chat

I've noticed some ladies prefer video chat for verification. I'd be new to this but would consider doing it just to kinda break the ice before a visit. Any recommendation for a good site to download on my laptop? I'm not much of a cell phone user. TIA.
mizurymule's Avatar
For Apple you can use Face Time. For Windows you can use Zoom or Skype. Possible Teams if you can get it set up.
Sweet_Sandy's Avatar
I use Kik
mizurymule's Avatar
I believe SnapChat also has video call options.
Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.
FaceTime and SnapChat are good if you don't mind being recorded without being advised.

For me, Cisco WebX, the DoD high encrypted version. Just send that back and watch all the trolling / blackmailing cheats head's explode and catch on fire.

Make sure to make a TikTok so everyone in China can enjoy it to.