Cassi: Probably the best provider in LA - phone/posts hijacked by scammers

This is more of a general PSA than anything else but if anyone doesn't deserve to have their name dragged in to the mud by people working for one 15-20$ 'deposit' at a time, Cassi would easily be at the top of that list.

I had not met with her in maybe 6-8 weeks but was a little surprised when I saw posts from her account submitted at like 3am, initially on STG but after looking in to the situation I have since realized that her online presence and phone numbers were been hijacked by scammers (ie, responding immediately to the initial text, one word responses and general rudeness, making posts after her published hours of availability, rates communicated in texts are inaccurate to the post, insisting on deposits and ghosting once told that they weren't going to be sent money electronically in advance, etc. yall know what im talking about).

If you've met Cassi, you're probably already as pissed as I was but for anyone who has yet to have the pleasure of meeting Cassi, I can a million percent assure you that she A: is the last person who deserved this and B: a much better provider than any of us will likely ever encounter.

I just wanted to put something somewhere online so that she can get as much help dealing with these assholes dragging her famously perfect reputation in to the mud all so they can try to con any would-be clients out of a measley 20 bucks at a time.

(Staff edit)
Wait, so you joined this site yesterday and we are taking advice from you? How do we know you aren’t a scammer posting a bogus number? Something smells fishy.
Hobbyman28's Avatar
Wait, so you joined this site yesterday and we are taking advice from you? How do we know you aren’t a scammer posting a bogus number? Something smells fishy. Originally Posted by bluebiker
Exactly and his location says South Carolina like bro what you doing on these boards something is suspicious for sure..
She posted in Lafayette today. Really been wanting to see her, but now I'm not sure if it's really her or not.
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