Ho Ho Noooo Drinking before a session!

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Damn that Sux!

Guys, do you drink before you show up for an appointment?

I don't usually work this late...but, I had someone that was supposed to be calling me about tomorrow..ask if he could see me tonight.

I called him at 6:30pm to get him directions from his hotel. (Right up the street) He didn't answer. So, I called him back 15 min later....again, no answer. Well, I got a call a few minutes later and he was at a near by bar visiting a friend. He said he was wrapping up and walking out. Ha..I well, alright. So, finally at 7pm I said (to myself Cause No One else is here!) That's it. I'm done. I called him and left him another voicemail letting him know that I was leaving. I was very nice. I mean...I don't hate the guy. Shit happens. But, damn. I'm in hose, heels, and everything else...slamming the wine I poured...blowing out my candles.

Have a drink when you get HERE.

Yuck. Whatever.....Merry Damn Christmas.

Baaahh! I'm going home.

~Kelly TNT
w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 12-17-2009, 06:57 PM
All I got to say is "that guy is a dummmmmd ASS"
Word. I had to end a date after ten minutes recently because I realized the gentleman was blitzed.

Have a drink or two beforehand if it calms your nerves, but any more than that and you'll get a "thanks but no thanks". I don't feel comfortable alone with a drunk stranger, and besides, I want my dates to actually be able to remember how awesome I was.
countryplayboy's Avatar
Sitting in a bar drink with a friend versus having wine with a great lady dressed up just for you with a smile like that. What a damn idiot.
Guest100610-3's Avatar
I bet if he is on this board he feels about an inch high right now.
From Uban Dictionary (I think the second one fits best!)

1. a penis

2. derogatory term used to sum up the existence of a worthless asshole.

or dumbass if you're being generous!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
It just made me sad. Hurt my feelings.

haa..if you all could see me now. Hair in a bun on the top of my head...big house shoes (they look like tennis shoes) and...pj's on.

I got over it quickly. Mmmm....I'm comfy AND home! ;D

~Kelly TNT
aRandyOne's Avatar
Now I think that outfit is even hotter!
1thatgotaway's Avatar

haa..if you all could see me now. Hair in a bun on the top of my head...big house shoes (they look like tennis shoes) and...pj's on.

~Kelly TNT[/FONT]
Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
Ok now you are just being a tease
What an idiot. You are such a beautiful lady and this guy misses you because of alchohol.
I have never had anyone show up drunk but I have had TWO different guys show up REEKING of non-tobacco smoke! It was REALLY disgusting!

I can understand the idea of getting relaxed before a session too but ROLL DOWN YOUR WINDOWS and USE BREATH SPRAY!