Hurricane Collections

Guest121917-1's Avatar
I would like to gather as many thingbys add possible to help. the victims.
Any of the items are wanted...socks (men, women, and children), Under garments (men,women and children), Diapers, wipes, formula, and the little bottles of shampoo/conditioner from hotels, toothe brushes/ tooth paste.

Please pm me and I can schedule a meet up time and place
BobsAlias's Avatar
What about this CBS story saying that to need is for $, not stuff?
Guest121917-1's Avatar
well then donate to salvation army or to the local food bank or an animal rescue
Guest121917-1's Avatar
my friends are there helping with the resues and are live feeding this stuff. Its heartbreaking
They definitely need clothes and such. That article was about other countries.

Thank you for collecting. I just donated 5 bags to a friend who was collecting to take down there. It's truly heartbreaking, especially the story I read of the toddler clinging to his/her drowned mother
pickupkid's Avatar
THey Need Clothes. And health items. May came from Houston With just the clothes they were wearing.
robexar's Avatar
PM'd you last night - no response.
I have tons of clothes and hotel wash things
Budman's Avatar
I heard that Walmart is matching cash donations 2 to 1. Make your money go as far as possible.
pickupkid's Avatar
They need a bobcat...any construction equipment