why I quit Indy's

  • iquit
  • 02-02-2015, 01:04 AM
I quit indy providers coz they change the schedule on me, ncns, change location and not tell u until later, then text u an address in Beaumont while they are listed as Houston, rates changing too frequently for me to keep up with, sometimes high, sometimes low, I pay and then they say oh, that was a one time special. Oh my, I complain too much? Listen some more,

One time I scheduled with a lady when I was in Dallas, and she is usually in Dallas, then an hour before appointment I asked for address, she gave me an Austin address and said she is out of town but I can drive to her. Then in the same day, I went with one I have seen before, only to be tagged with a bill higher than what I Thot was her rate, then she showed me her profile and said rated went up and that was a special. Has to go to the closest cvs to do a green dot thing for her coz I don't want it in my conscience that I stiffed a lady after she did her part. And oh I love this one, crowns it all - since they do not have a scheduler, picks up the phone as soon as we r done to see if the next appointment is still coming.

I quit Indy's after that - the drama is not as much with agencies. More consistent in my experience - something about seeing your competition everyday and knowing u r replaceable that makes em more service oriented.

And there u go, a rant about Indy providers.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-02-2015, 01:51 AM
I like my UTR chicks better than Indy chicks. But I see no reason to completely stop seeing independent providers.
Arverni's Avatar
Yeah I don't like to see providers in Indianapolis either. That's a bad town for the hobby for sure.
pyramider's Avatar
Sounds like someone should be evaluating his selection process, or start downloading porn.
Dude, you obviously need to do better research when selecting indy providers. I'm not saying you don't have any validity to what you've said. I'm just saying that selecting a better quality indy provider comes with time, research, etc. Don't blame the indy providers for bad research on your part.

In my 7 years of hobbying about 95% of the providers I've seen have been indy's. Some have been good, some not. The ones that weren't were a result of little to no research on my part. I would say, don't limit yourself. I've done that for a long time. As I've said I've pretty much only seen indy's. This year that's changing. I'm going to make the rounds by entering the spa game, the agencies, might even hit up a couple of strip clubs (even though they're not really my thing), and definitely going to try and find some UTR's
tbone77494's Avatar
While I won't stop seeing them entirely all you pointed out is true for many Indys. However, just like height, weight, race, etc tcb skills are part of the selection process. Most trusted reviewers accurately describe the process making it easy to avoid the train wrecks.

Still nice to have the agencies and Amps as easy scheduling options and the occasional star performer is there as well.
  • cr76
  • 02-02-2015, 06:27 AM
I mostly see agency girls now but still enjoy indies.
Sounds like someone should purchase premium access so he knows what the fuck he is doing when selecting providers.
Wakeup's Avatar
Can someone direct me to the plethora of Caucasian women agencies or spas? I'd like to give up indy's too...
You do know those would all be retarded Caucasian women that give up to 40 % of their earnings to a pimp.
You do know those would all be retarded Caucasian women that give up to 40 % of their earnings to a black pimp. Originally Posted by rockerrick

SpiceItUp's Avatar
I don't know what kind of Indy's you've been seeing man but I agree with the others who've said perhaps more research is in order. Yes sometimes TCB skills aren't the absolute greatest and that is an occasional irritation but it's hardly an epidemic worth ranting about much less giving up indy's entirely because of.

Like someone above me said, 90% of the time my not so great experience could have been prevented had I done more research and/or thought with the big head a bit more...
pyramider's Avatar

Fify. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Really? What has race got to do with pimping? Not a damn thing. A pimp is a pimp.
SpiceItUp's Avatar

Really? What has race got to do with pimping? Not a damn thing. A pimp is a pimp. Originally Posted by pyramider
Be purposely obtuse if you choose to be that's your call.