Ladies: Slowest Day of the Week for You?

chriscraft's Avatar
Ladies, I'm curious as to which day of the week, if any, that you'd consider to be the slowest, as far as business goes. Like Mondays at a restaurant, for example. Reason I ask is because I'm mostly a day-of kinda guy when it comes to scheduling and was wanting to see if there was any particular day of the week when it might be easier than other days to schedule quickly. Thanks!
Crystal West's Avatar
IMO there is no set day of the week that is slow it could be a Monday one week and Friday the next. My advice would be to contact the ladies that have caught your eye and ask if they will pre-screen you and ask what their short notice time frame is. Good luck hun
I would think any lady that just shows up no notice midweek "short time only" eliminates every guy that works for a living. Every day is a slow day.
Mya_love's Avatar
I found that Sundays are family days for a lot of my clients I work round the clock so if it's slow trust I'm finding sometime to do