Let's discuss Healthcare a bit

It seems that many posters on this board are wealthy enough to worry about increases in their federal income tax rate should Mr. Biden be elected, so I assume some are small to medium business owners, or independent contractors with in demand skills (or maybe trust fund babies). One of the bigger overhead expenses, especially for smaller businesses, is providing reasonable health insurance to their employees; sole proprietors and independent contractors probably have even bigger problems in this regard.

So assuming Mr. Trump is reelected and the ACA is ditched, what exactly is his plan to alleviate the problems faced by this group and their employees? Please cite specific platform or quoted goals with mechanisms to achieve and how this is a financial or cost/benefit improvement.
Dismantle the health insurance industry and make doctors and hospitals compete for customers like any other business. Prices will naturally come down to levels people can afford or docs and hospitals will go out of business.
winn dixie's Avatar
dims get major donations from the health insurance and pharma co's. Lets get that straight first!
Second why did we ever start relying on our employers to provide us health coverage! That needs to stop!
Precisely, Glock. I DO NOT espoused Medicare for all, but one thing Medicare does right is have a relatively OPEN fee schedule. There are flaws for sure, but basic concept is if a provider (Dr, hospital, etc.)is willing to provide the service at the published reimbursement, quality standards met., then they get paid. No real carve-outs for market share, geographic location (yeah, I know about rural hospital exceptions, etc., but not philosophically relevant). So, yeah, open it up to any willing provider and any willing payor offering to pay their set rate to said provider within quality constraints (maybe the devil details lie here). But, not based on where you work...anyone pick from what an insurer offers to anyone. Not socialist, but free market with quality regulation ( not new to insurance industry).

Thanks for the response, but didn't answer what Mr. Trump proffers.
Precisely, Glock. I DO NOT espoused Medicare for all, but one thing Medicare does right is have a relatively OPEN fee schedule. There are flaws for sure, but basic concept is if a provider (Dr, hospital, etc.)is willing to provide the service at the published reimbursement, quality standards met., then they get paid. No real carve-outs for market share, geographic location (yeah, I know about rural hospital exceptions, etc., but not philosophically relevant). So, yeah, open it up to any willing provider and any willing payor offering to pay their set rate to said provider within quality constraints (maybe the devil details lie here). But, not based on where you work...anyone pick from what an insurer offers to anyone. Not socialist, but free market with quality regulation ( not new to insurance industry).

Thanks for the response, but didn't answer what Mr. Trump proffers. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I haven't bothered to look at what Trump's offering, all I know is that it's not what I want, (which I outlined above), but at least it isn't the ACA.
Glock-you should bother to look, same platform as 2016, with no substantive change. This question has been asked and repeatedly unanswered other than "Great Things" to come. It's not that easy.

Wynn: Where do you think the vast majority of employed people in this country are given choices for reasonable health insurance coverage besides their employer? By your response, I take it to mean that should stop. If it's the employer.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Nothing to offer. Just repeal. No replace.
Eccieuser-respectfully. That begs the question. What is the proposed plan?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Judging ‘Obamacare’: Justice Barrett’s first high-profile case


The case poses three questions to the justices, including whether the mandate is still constitutional and whether the states should be able to bring the case at all – a threshold question known as “standing.”

If a majority of justices agree with Texas on those two questions, it’s the next question, on “severability” – whether, if the mandate is unconstitutional, the entire ACA falls – that could potentially doom the law.

“If there’s one issue on which the case could turn, it’s severability,” says Ilya Somin, a professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School.

Severability is not a glamorous doctrine, nor is it one that has produced sharp ideological divides between justices, but there are some disagreements. Some statutes include explicit clauses instructing courts on whether provisions are severable or not.

  • Tiny
  • 11-01-2020, 01:58 PM
It seems that many posters on this board are wealthy enough to worry about increases in their federal income tax rate should Mr. Biden be elected, so I assume some are small to medium business owners, or independent contractors with in demand skills (or maybe trust fund babies). One of the bigger overhead expenses, especially for smaller businesses, is providing reasonable health insurance to their employees; sole proprietors and independent contractors probably have even bigger problems in this regard.

So assuming Mr. Trump is reelected and the ACA is ditched, what exactly is his plan to alleviate the problems faced by this group and their employees? Please cite specific platform or quoted goals with mechanisms to achieve and how this is a financial or cost/benefit improvement. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Reddog, You should be asking exactly what is Biden's plan. It's doubling down on a failed system that will lead to a bankrupt nation. That's not to say that Trump's plan or lack thereof wouldn't lead to the same outcome at some point. We're spending 18% of GDP on health care, much more than any other country in the developed world. Biden's going to up that number. The travesty is that the outcomes aren't that good. We're somewhere around Cuba and worse than Costa Rica in terms of longevity for example. The system we've got, with or without the modifications that Biden and Trump propose, is totally out of control. There's little incentive for hospitals and providers to offer lower prices or better quality care.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Eccieuser-respectfully. That begs the question. What is the proposed plan? Originally Posted by reddog1951

Respectfully, he has no plan. It's all about pissing on the ACA. Helping the insurance companies recoup payments from providing care. Sir.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Reddog, You should be asking exactly what is Biden's plan. Originally Posted by Tiny

See what I mean, dog?

Small business bites the bullet.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Maybe not.
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