Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?

Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | Posted: Oct 31, 2020 2:56 AM

Thread: Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?

Larry Schweikart has been tracking the early vote totals. He’s been signaling a Trump win for a bit now. He noted how Democrats are going to get bloodied in Florida. He also called out pollsters for how they were sampling GOP voters in their surveys.

If Trump wins Florida, Biden’s chances of winning the election dip below 50 percent, the core three (FL, AZ, and NC) probably go Trump, with Michigan and Ohio probably following suit. That’s the election right there. I mean, if we win Michigan, we’ll probably carry Pennsylvania as well. It’s the icing on the cake. Yet, Schweikart's recent thread on Twitter didn’t have to do with the early vote totals. It delved into the real 2020 Democratic playbook, and how they knew two years ago that they probably didn’t have a chance in hell of beating Trump due to the booming economy and frankly a real depth chart issue. You saw that in the 2020 Democratic primaries. None of these guys could beat Trump. None.

Joe was the last man standing because he supposedly is the best option due to his blue-collar roots, which have been marred in scandal over the alleged corrupt deal-making that he and Hunter Biden did in China and Ukraine. If Trump pulls this off, and I think he will, Hunter Biden was not only the October Surprise but gave the greatest in-kind contribution to the Trump re-election campaign by far. Seriously though, the Democratic base isn’t excited for this guy. They wore multiple "t-shirts of the week" regarding the more lefty candidates out there. Bernie Sanders was the flavor of the month before Black Democrats in the South clipped his chances again. It’s settled. Bernie can’t win over Black Democrats. He’s done as a national option. Kamala Harris got slapped down by none other than Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) over her record as a prosecutor. I mean, a lot of folks ran, but how many could last? People knew Joe, so I guess they decided to back him. That’s not a ringing endorsement.

So, what does Schweikart think was the Democrats' plan before COVID? He feels that with the Democrats knowing they would be beaten, they wanted to claim fraud and set off another round of the Russian collusion delusion. They wanted a sequel, but the pandemic, he says, gave them hope of a win. With lockdowns in place, let’s do this all via vote-by-mail. You all remember this was the Left’s war cry throughout the summer until the mail-in ballots were being rejected at higher than projected rates because Democratic voters apparently cannot follow instructions. The Democrats have now quietly changed course. Yet, the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg killed all hopes of the voter fraud pitch ever working for Democrats.

“Then the anvil fell. RBG died. That meant that there would be NO appeals related to fraud that could succeed,” he wrote.
At around the same time, President Trump got the China Virus, overcame it, and showed that we do not have to walk in constant terror. This meant that the Ds would be heavily voted out by election day, but also that whoever was still available would have to vote under a cloud of terror. This strategy also dramatically damaged their ability to use fraud, because ALL. THE. VOTES. WERE. IN.

Rs (and the world) could tell how many ballots were outstanding. It made it harder to keep from "calling" a state" early.

It also worked against the election day chaos in which DemoKKKrats could "find" votes. With a more orderly (and much smaller) flow of people at a given time, it made it harder for one or two ballot-counters "on the take [' [sic] to work their magic.
Either way, I think liberal America is going to be stunned on Election Day.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Larry Schweikart's twitter thread

Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart

1) Jim's comment is a good time to review what the DemoKKKrats' strategy was so incredibly stupid and horrible.

2) Personally, I think the DemoKKKrats have known they would lose to Trump for over 2 years, thus impeachment was their only shot.

3) If this assessment is correct, it would mean that their entire primary process was designed to find the most acceptable loser. Hence, Demented Perv Biteme.

4) Forget polls. I'm not going to get into the discussion of "why" the polls are so horribly wrong.

5) It does appear that the purpose of the polls was to facilitate the DemoKKKrat cries of illegality "stolen". Then, off to "muh Russia part deux."

6) This was the plan going into February 2020. Then came the China Virus & suddenly the Ds thought they "might" have a chance.

7) They rushed into production a new, and dramatic change. They would try to WIN the election by virtue of the lockdowns & vote fraud made possible by late counting.

8) This was a remarkable change of direction, which the DemoKKKrats embarked on without any real thought.

9) It began with the fear mongering & panic spreading related to voting in person. To vote in person was certain death.

10) So they adopted a heavy, all-out VBM strategy early & a fraud strategy after election day.

11) Several things began to severely damage that plan. First, the GOP won 11/14 court cases, with the remaining 3 likely headed to the USSC.

12) Most of these drastically limited the time and/or conditions under which these votes can be counted and for how long.

13) Then the anvil fell. RBG died. That meant that there would be NO appeals related to fraud that could succeed.

14) At around the same time, President Trump got the China Virus, overcame it, & showed that we do not have to walk in constant terror.

15) This meant that the Ds would be heavily voted out by election day, but also that whoever was still available would have to vote . .

16) contd . . . under a cloud of terror.

17) This strategy also dramatically damaged their ability to use fraud, because


Rs (and the world) could tell how many ballots were outstanding. It made it harder to keep from "calling" a state" early.

18) It also worked against the election day chaos in which DemoKKKrats could "find" votes. With a more orderly (and much smaller) flow of people at a given time, it made it harder for one or two ballot-counters "on the take[' to work their magic.

19) But now the pollsters were also stuck with the failed initial strategy showing Biteme up by a million. They had no legitimate way of bringing polls into even remotely normal ranges.

20) And, like 2016, the pollsters & DemoKKKrats gave their hapless followers false hope. Like 2016, this will boil over in new waves of anger when Trump wins.

And he will win.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Good points all. From what I'm following, the mail-in (fraud) plan has been under performing. We do know there has been excellent, higher than ever, returned ballots from both parties, with Republicans surprisingly high. We also know through Trump rally surveys and regular, focused GOTV efforts that the Republicans are finding more "new" voters.

Now we are hearing that the Demonicrats are worried that their mail-fraud schemes aren't the be all end all and are switching tactics mid-flight to try and GOTV on election day. Luckily, they did not hedge their bets early enough with a solid ground game as they had most of their eggs in the mail-fraud voting basket.

So the question that the Demonicrats are faced with and frankly, hoping against is: Will Republicans that are willing to wait in lines for 14-36 hours, in the dark of night, freezing cold, snow and rain to see Trump for 90 minutes - be willing to stand in a line for a couple hours to vote for him on election day to be seen at the White House for Four More Years?

Seems the Demonicrats are in a pinch there.

Larry Schweikart's twitter thread

Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart

1) Jim's comment is a good time to review what the DemoKKKrats' strategy was so incredibly stupid and horrible.

2) Personally, I think the DemoKKKrats have known they would lose to Trump for over 2 years, thus impeachment was their only shot.

3) If this assessment is correct, it would mean that their entire primary process was designed to find the most acceptable loser. Hence, Demented Perv Biteme.

4) Forget polls. I'm not going to get into the discussion of "why" the polls are so horribly wrong.

5) It does appear that the purpose of the polls was to facilitate the DemoKKKrat cries of illegality "stolen". Then, off to "muh Russia part deux."

6) This was the plan going into February 2020. Then came the China Virus & suddenly the Ds thought they "might" have a chance.

7) They rushed into production a new, and dramatic change. They would try to WIN the election by virtue of the lockdowns & vote fraud made possible by late counting.

8) This was a remarkable change of direction, which the DemoKKKrats embarked on without any real thought.

9) It began with the fear mongering & panic spreading related to voting in person. To vote in person was certain death.

10) So they adopted a heavy, all-out VBM strategy early & a fraud strategy after election day.

11) Several things began to severely damage that plan. First, the GOP won 11/14 court cases, with the remaining 3 likely headed to the USSC.

12) Most of these drastically limited the time and/or conditions under which these votes can be counted and for how long.

13) Then the anvil fell. RBG died. That meant that there would be NO appeals related to fraud that could succeed.

14) At around the same time, President Trump got the China Virus, overcame it, & showed that we do not have to walk in constant terror.

15) This meant that the Ds would be heavily voted out by election day, but also that whoever was still available would have to vote . .

16) contd . . . under a cloud of terror.

17) This strategy also dramatically damaged their ability to use fraud, because


Rs (and the world) could tell how many ballots were outstanding. It made it harder to keep from "calling" a state" early.

18) It also worked against the election day chaos in which DemoKKKrats could "find" votes. With a more orderly (and much smaller) flow of people at a given time, it made it harder for one or two ballot-counters "on the take[' to work their magic.

19) But now the pollsters were also stuck with the failed initial strategy showing Biteme up by a million. They had no legitimate way of bringing polls into even remotely normal ranges.

20) And, like 2016, the pollsters & DemoKKKrats gave their hapless followers false hope. Like 2016, this will boil over in new waves of anger when Trump wins.

And he will win.

Bigly. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the key thing is the republicans have won most of the court rulings in the lower court. its kind of split at the supreme court level.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Where do yous come up with alls of these fucking idiotic “opinions leaders?”

Maybe youse should expand your horizons, eh?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
the key thing is the republicans have won most of the court rulings in the lower court. its kind of split at the supreme court level. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

ACB sat out the first case on the SC because she had not heard the arguments yet. She says she will not sit out subsequent iterations.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-03-2020, 08:57 AM
Trump is not winning Michigan or Wisconsin....it will all come down to Penn....maybe Arizona.

I thought Biden would win Florida but that is not looking so good. So Penn.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Trump is not winning Michigan or Wisconsin....it will all come down to Penn....maybe Arizona.

I thought Biden would win Florida but that is not looking so good. So Penn.

. Originally Posted by WTF

I promise that you'd be wearing depends when this is over! lol.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-03-2020, 10:39 AM
I promise that you'd be wearing depends when this is over! lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
More like waders after all you Trumpers shit your pants!

winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is not winning Michigan or Wisconsin....it will all come down to Penn....maybe Arizona.

I thought Biden would win Florida but that is not looking so good. So Penn.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah Penn AND NC is the key!