Facebook outs sex workers.

Guest010619's Avatar
Facebook will be the downfall of society!! I only have a Facebook account that links to my secret hobby email address. Too many providers use common email addresses that can be linked back to their Facebook account. Whenever I get a message on my secret hobby email address or a notice from Facebook of People You May Know... it is always from someone with whom I have communicated in the hobby. So, if I ever get a hookers real life name, Facebook or email, I always tell them so they know it happens. Sometimes I get way more information than I want to know...
ck1942's Avatar
Facebook has thousands of advertisers.

My hipshot guesstimate is that if you are a FB member cruising the 'net and you click on an advertiser's screen, say on the New York Times, your IP is captured by the advertiser.

That IP will be crossmatched and shared across site lines. Thus that ad click is now part of the FB database. If you have ever used that IP on FB, you are now crossmatched and potentially outed.

The above can be applied to email, website memberships, purchases, even medical practices.

Bet a dollar on a donut that every damn website in the world captures your IP data.

Many will tell you they don't sell or share that data and that may well be true, but my hunch is they cannot keep that data absolutely sancrosanct.

Think NSA, Equifax, etc., etc.

Unless you use totally different hardware for hobby from personal or business, and use totally different net providers, even with "anonymous" browsers, you are still liable to be crossmatched.

btw, don't use the google browser for both sets of hardware!!!

The easy answer to avoiding crossmatching is to avoid social media altogether in both hobby and real world.

But my advice is too late for 98 pct of all of us.

It is not a question or if you'll be caught, but when.
Yet another reason i don't use nor will i ever use Farcebook,..
bigwill832's Avatar
If you have the FB app on your phone it has access to your contacts, phone, and text (just like every other app you put on your phone if you read the permissions that pop up). If you contact someone on your phone and they are on FB, it will show them in the people you might now thing. I noticed it after one of m client's and I had texted back and forth. He suddenly popped up on my list. Then I noticed it for a few other people I had been in contact with.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
I dont think fb is being completely honest abt not using location services. For example, I went to a restaurant and had a different server. A day or two later, this server popped up in my pymk. Very creepy. I think we both had our gps on, and fb can see "Hey, these two people/phones were together!" She popped up and her bf popped up. I also had a personal friend who randomly popped up in pymk. He doesnt live near me, but sometimes he comes to visit...Then after awhile he will pop up in my pymk.

Ive never had a hobbyist pop up in my fb, thankfully. My fb is extremely vanilla.
tia travels's Avatar
If you have the FB app on your phone it has access to your contacts, phone, and text (just like every other app you put on your phone if you read the permissions that pop up). ... Originally Posted by bigwill832
This is why I don't have a smart phone and am not on any social media site.
  • vic99
  • 10-12-2017, 12:32 PM
A question, does going in to private mode before you do any looking help?
This is why I don't have a smart phone and am not on any social media site. Originally Posted by tia travels
I am right there with ya'!!

A question, does going in to private mode before you do any looking help? Originally Posted by vic99
Can't help ya'...
Guest010619's Avatar
I do get a lot of friend suggestions which I end up blocking. You’d think Facebook would get the message.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
would masking IP addresses help?
normalguy21's Avatar
A link related to the post i think some will find helpful

tia travels's Avatar
Perhaps now (after reading this thread), if I was to get on Facebook strictly for real life, I might get a burner phone and use that phone ONLY for adding to, checking up on, reading my wall and what others who post there are doing.
Never use that phone for phone calls.
Never use that phone number for anything else.
Never use that phone for anything else.
Don't add any apps to the phone.
Make it a Facebook phone only and never check FB from any other device I own.

Maybe then, it would be possible to keep the 2 lives separate?
A question, does going in to private mode before you do any looking help? Originally Posted by vic99
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Separate phone
Separate email (not gmail)
Perhaps separate computer due to IP issues.
Take the Facebook app off your handheld.