Honesty please

I'm just curious as to how many guys are doing this... Who sends a deposit to a girl? I've never done this and I'm blown away when girls actually ask for it. The only reason they would continue to do it is because somewhere some guy(s) are doing this shit. I've even seen ads of some girls who say they don't ask for deposits and that any girls who do are looking to scam people. I texted a girl earlier tonight who was quick to dismiss one review I found of her (saying she got a deposit and stopped answering) by saying she has 13 other reviews that were positive. Then when I straight up asked her does she do cashapp deposits she simply responded with "Yes I do". Wtf is paying these girls before you meet them? Stop doing this shit!!!
Idk if they ask me for a deposit or I see one mentioned on an ad I just assume its a scam and move on
bndm's Avatar
  • bndm
  • 06-26-2022, 01:41 PM
Agree with the post above.
I have never, and never will, send a deposit.
Don’t want to risk getting hustled, and don’t want to involve an electronic trail.
Deeznutz00's Avatar
Cash leaves no trail, if I'm communicating with one and she ask for a deposit I keep it pushing off to the next, but with more and more providers asking for deposits and alot of the usual coast girls disappearing or retiring this might become the new normal and if it does I'll be leaving the hobby world. Another thing is providers wanting your real world information like where you work and your real name, I give no one my real world information bc it's none of their business.
Guitar's Avatar
I'm with yall on this. I don't send a deposite at all. I don't even know what cashapp is. I know it's got to be like paypal or something like that. I don't even fool with paypal. I"m a cold hard cash type of guy. I really don't see why a lady would want anything other than cold cash. No paper trail of anykind. For EITHER person.
Cash only and no down payments on poon
Evelyn Wolf's Avatar
NCNS happen, but not often. If you screen a guy properly, there should be no need to get a deposit unless it's an overnight or something I planned my entire day around.
I've heard to many stories of someone paying a deposit, then they got scammed.
And exactly what is proper screening?