Shit, while we're writing checks,

Jesus christ fellas, read about Gerrymandering and how republicans do worse when more people vote so they go out of their way to find shitty little ways to keep people from voting *Voter ID laws etc.

But why even waste my time, you guys still think Trump is doing a good job
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
to keep people from voting *Voter ID laws etc.

But why even waste my time, you guys still think Trump is doing a good job Originally Posted by tonyscag9

And the problem with voter ID is what exactly? Oh nevermind, to difficult for you to handle. How about this - give us a list of 5 people that are impacted by having to show ID to vote. Just five... And how come the dead always vote Demonirat anyways??

Personally, I do not think Trump is doing a good job.

He's doing G-rrrrrreat! Like a boss!!
Big T is the best. Everybody else is boring. If you don't think Trump is doing a good job - you can vote for Biden.
Jeeze, I can't believe the dems want to go with Biden. By the time elections come around he'll be sliced and diced by Trump. My big T is savage.
And the problem with voter ID is what exactly? Oh nevermind, to difficult for you to handle. How about this - give us a list of 5 people that are impacted by having to show ID to vote. Just five... And how come the dead always vote Demonirat anyways??

Personally, I do not think Trump is doing a good job.

He's doing G-rrrrrreat! Like a boss!!
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
College Students (in Texas they don't allow student IDs) My Grandmother (Her drivers license is way out of date because she lives in a home and they wont take her expired ID , Poor people getting new ids when you move is an expense many can't afford , Minorities , my best friend who moved here from Houston but because of the vote ID laws wasn't able to vote last election.
How many illegals voted last election?

But you think the orange baby is doing a good job.
You get i'm a republican right? I voted for Bush and not for Obama. Trumps garbage and he's hurting the party. It's Nixon 2.0 where we aren't going to get back into the whitehouse for 2 decades.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems blatantly obvious that ts9 and sc1 are the same being and worthy of the same treatment.
Seems blatantly obvious that ts9 and sc1 are the same being and worthy of the same treatment. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Typical Trump supporter.

Now please go believe more of the bullshit he feeds you. Believe the man who's cheated/lied to/betrayed every Business Partner, Bank, Wife, etc he's ever dealt with and tell yourself that he would never lie to you.
WYID, if if me and ts9 were a duplicate account, we’d be banned, because that’s not allowed, and the mods can see that shit. Christ, Trumpjugends really are retarded.
WYID, if if me and ts9 were a duplicate account, we’d be banned, because that’s not allowed, and the mods can see that shit. Christ, Trumpjugends really are retarded. Originally Posted by supercold1
I’m only agreeing with you because I’m a clone
Ha! I love when people do this. It's like they are blind with anger that they can't see that the other choice is worse. I won't go into all the details because at this point - Trump will be the President in 2020. If somebody can't see this - then they are blind.

Typical Trump supporter.

Now please go believe more of the bullshit he feeds you. Believe the man who's cheated/lied to/betrayed every Business Partner, Bank, Wife, etc he's ever dealt with and tell yourself that he would never lie to you. Originally Posted by tonyscag9
Austin Ellen: The latest to be conned by the world’s most blatant and obvious con man. It’s not like he has a lifelong history of bilking people and absconding after going bankrupt. That’s exactly what he’s doing as prez: bankrupting the country while he uses the office for personal gain. Guess the lifelong history wasn’t a good enough warning sign, for some
Ha! I love when people do this. It's like they are blind with anger that they can't see that the other choice is worse. I won't go into all the details because at this point - Trump will be the President in 2020. If somebody can't see this - then they are blind. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I guess we wait and see that is If he doesn't get impeached or assassinated first.

Oh and he's hurt his base blue collar base which will cost him the states he needs to get the electoral votes. Remember this dude did not win the majority vote, not even close. Also Clintons not running this time, so its not the lesser of two evils.

We know Trump sucks and hasn't kept any of his campaign promises and his contenders are what experienced Statesmen with almost no scandals between them? No made up Benghazi Bullshit, no Birther Nonsense, just Moderate and Left Leaning Democrats who are popular with the people.

Trumps Toast.

Psssst. Even if, somehow the Democrats fuck this up and he wins, he's gonna get impeached.

*I'm not even a democrat. I voted for Romney and Bush
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems the OP left out a milestone from 2019 when we were all gonna die from Greenland melting like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Some day ya'll have to tackle the basal questions:
  • Should the climate change?
  • What happens if it doesn't?
Climate change - We're all Gonna Die!!! Please give us more money, your liberties and sovereignty. Because we got this... Thank You.

I wrote about this a few years back, i.e. the devastation of the ice melt in Greenland here: Math is fun... So are actual facts here: Analyzing fear porn and here:Chick, chick, chickennn...

However, I never did publish the whole of the article. Instead, I provided the exact search string of the exact article. Though I did provide a Utub video that summarized the mainlining press's Fear-Porn. That was to demonstrate what the iron bars of Tyranny are about, recalling that Censorship = Tyranny. Big tech censorship, sometimes as simple as down-ranking results.

Searching for the exact name of the article "Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth" did not find the article in the first few pages of results. Searching for "Delingpole: Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth" did find the article on page 2 or 3 of the results in some search engines. The direct link to the article is: Delingpole: Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth.

The 1st page or 2 of results provided the Echo Chamber of the usual suspects claiming that all of the ice in Greenland was gonna be gone in the blink of an eye. Fear-Porn! They all mimicked the original article from CNN, I believe. (Sometimes it's difficult to know the yodeler in the Echo Chamber)

Victor Davis Hanson provides an overview of the corrupt media: Victor Davis Hanson: How Corrupt Is A Corrupt Media? He also had an in-depth look into search engine manipulation, but I am not finding it ATM.

As the Twitter files are pointing out, we also have government influence to boot. In a nut shell, when you combine a corrupt media, with big tech censorship - all driven by the government - you have tyranny, not to mention a whole lot of fools that are highly susceptible to Mass Formation Psychosis. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Right now Greenland is losing 11B tons of ice per day due to a phenomenon known locally as 'summer'. At that rate, Greenland will shed just under 50% of it's glacial ice in just 12,500 years. However, prognosticators are predicting the phenomenon, known locally as 'winter' will return this year. The last few winters saw Greenland's glacial ice grow in excess of what it lost in the 'summer'. This rate of extend/reduce could lead to Greenland loosing 50% of it's glacial ice in a mere 12,500,000 years. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
winn dixie's Avatar
Just one of many.....
How do you account for the rise in ocean levels?
Proof in global warming is in the rapid rise in sea level ......... high tide is now in San Antonio ....... why is the sea level not rising with all the mass melting that's occured??????
Y'all are debating this shit on a site for rating whores? WTF? Real brain trust here.