Johnny Depp and Black Mass

Wow! In recent memory the only actor I've seen COMPLETELY disappear in a role to this degree was Sean Penn in Milk....Depp is mesmerizing
*Ginger*'s Avatar
i was very close to seeing*Black Mass*saturday and it was completely sold out for the time in which i had planned...A must see!!
bojulay's Avatar
Jessica Lange in the movie Frances.
She transformed herself into Francis Farmer for that movie.
One of the best acting performances ever.

Halle Berry in monsters ball.

PS Hoffman in Capote.

Julianne Moore in Still Alice.
Wheretonow's Avatar
Bradley Cooper in American Sniper.
PS Hoffman in any role he played.
Same for Daniel Day Lewis.
Same for Tommy Lee Jones.
Javier Bardem , No Country For Old Men.

bojulay's Avatar
Javier Bardem , No Country For Old Men.

CALL IT Originally Posted by atf searcher
You right.... Friendo

That was the best villain sense Roy (I've done questionable things) Batty
in Bladerunner imho.

Great movie that stayed true to the novel, The Coen Brothers make some
of the best films.

They have created some great villains, Tex Cobb in Raising Arizona, John Goodman
in Barton Fink, Those two guys in Fargo, The PI in Blood Simple, all of the gangsters
in Millers Crossing.
Saw Black Mass. Depp was good, as were all the characters.

Depp needed to break that Pirates of the Carib and Lone Ranger stigma he had going. I thought he was getting 'type cast' a bit. Even his last one Mortdecal, kind of was in the same line. Black Mass I think got him out of that mold, and he was pretty good in Black Mass.
Shep3.0's Avatar
Saw it opening weekend. I think he did a great job in this film...possibly his best work ever.
Agree on all of the additions...except Tommy Lee Jones. Come on, he's always Tommy Lee Jones...except in Batman Forever and JFK.

How about Russell Crowe in The Insider
I haven't seen it yet but if you have Netflix check out the documentary about him there. All the people in the movie were interviewed in real life in the documentary and they are as scary as can be.
Jamie Foxx in Ray
I agree, loved the movie!!! He did a great job!
Sierra Sinclair's Avatar
Depp totally rocked my socks in Black Mass. Loved him in Blow also...