Traffic Rant

Remote's Avatar
Please fill up with blinker fluid when entering your vehicle. The lack of blinker fluid has just about driven me to the point of driving a tank everywhere I go. Those of you who do use your blinkers should remember it is an indicator, not a "I have my blinker on so I have the right to cut you off" devise. BTW all you fart can, compact car driving Speed Racer want to be bad asses, I see your girlfriend/SO/wife yelling at you when you almost get killed, and I smile because I know your not going to get anything but he'll from her.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
On the other hand, i have absolutely no use for the idiots who believe it's necessary to fire up the four way flashers when it starts to rain. It doesn't serve any purpose other than identifying you as a stooge!


Remote's Avatar
Driving slow in the fast lane and refusing to move over for faster traffic. If people are passing you on the right, your in the wrong lane. Same for middle lane, go with the flow or move to the right.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Driving slow in the fast lane and refusing to move over for faster traffic. If people are passing you on the right, your in the wrong lane. Same for middle lane, go with the flow or move to the right. Originally Posted by Remote

I hate that! Nothing is worse than L.A traffic though... everyone out there drives in slow motion!
Friday rush hour traffic!

Remote's Avatar
This is why I don't book with Dallas Ladies. If ya'll would spare us one or two days a week in Fort Worth of the Mid cities, maybe you could get some new clients.
txexetoo's Avatar
On the other hand, i have absolutely no use for the idiots who believe it's necessary to fire up the four way flashers when it starts to rain. It doesn't serve any purpose other than identifying you as a stooge!


. Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist

Not to mention it is illegal to drive with your flashers on
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
This is why I don't book with Dallas Ladies. If ya'll would spare us one or two days a week in Fort Worth of the Mid cities, maybe you could get some new clients. Originally Posted by Remote

Hey ive Got an incall in bedford too lol
Testimony that Dallas drivers are the worst drivers in the country!
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-25-2015, 05:12 PM
Nothing is worse than L.A Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

What did I do?

Women are so talented, they can drive while putting makeup on, talking on the cell phone, and they don’t need a rear view mirror since this is used for putting the makeup on. They can speed up or slow down, depending on their mood and the speed limit only applies to men. Their turn signals are only used AFTER they have made the turn. While you’re using your turn signal to change lanes and they cut in front of you, don’t be mad since they ALWAYS have the right of way. If you were at a 4 way stop and there was a fire truck, a police car, an ambulance, and a female driver. Who has the RIGHT OF WAY? Yep, you guessed right.

Remote's Avatar
Bicycles should not be allowed on public roadways. They clog up the road, don't pay any road taxes, and get offended when you blow your horn at them.