Mass Shooting at Oregon Community College

Chung Tran's Avatar

seems like Virgina Tech started a mini-trend... never heard of these shootings 10 years ago.
Frique-Me's Avatar
13 dead, 20 injured. The shooter is down. This shit's crazy CT
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Having a kid in college, it hits close to home.
TexasDave555's Avatar
There are published reports that after shooting the teacher in the head, he had the students get on the floor, then stand up one at a time and asked them their religious affiliation... then shot them.

If true.... this is going to be yet another terrorist attack spun to be something else.
melannie_star's Avatar
My thoughts and prayers are out to all affected by this tragedy. This saddens me every time I hear of this type of act. Reports are saying he drove six hours to get to his destination. This does not make any sense. He had a youtube channel of many rants against woman and religious preferences. He had an online persona. Postings were also on a chat board as well. Information is being said on CNN live.

We can all relate to this , one way or another.

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# The United Movement
Frique-Me's Avatar
My thoughts and prayers are out to all affected by this tragedy. Originally Posted by melannie_star
I think we all are affected in one way, or another. I think about the families and how their lives changed in an instance.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the Killer..

I hope the Turd is burning in Hell right now..
  • Lahk
  • 10-01-2015, 08:08 PM
Not news worthy.
Nothing has changed after a gunman entered an elementary school and shot up a bunch of kids.
Yet another psycho doing it to a community college? Who fucking cares.
Stop reporting on it. Stop discussing it. Just accept it. This is our tax to live our lifestyle. Carry on, nothing will change. People will bluster, but time will pass and life will go on until the next time this happens and the cycle starts all over again.
Frique-Me's Avatar
Not news worthy.
Nothing has changed after a gunman entered an elementary school and shot up a bunch of kids.
Yet another psycho doing it to a community college? Who fucking cares.
Stop reporting on it. Stop discussing it. Just accept it. This is our tax to live our lifestyle. Carry on, nothing will change. People will bluster, but time will pass and life will go on until the next time this happens and the cycle starts all over again. Originally Posted by Lahk

OK. Glad you got that out. If this is boring you, don't read or respond. For those whom care to elaborate on this subject , please respect their choice to do so.
Not news worthy.
Nothing has changed after a gunman entered an elementary school and shot up a bunch of kids.
Yet another psycho doing it to a community college? Who fucking cares.
Stop reporting on it. Stop discussing it. Just accept it. This is our tax to live our lifestyle. Carry on, nothing will change. People will bluster, but time will pass and life will go on until the next time this happens and the cycle starts all over again. Originally Posted by Lahk
You seem frustrated. Anytime innocent people are attacked and executed in a seemingly safe public arena it's newsworthy. WTF?

I'm assuming this shooter guy didn't get many dates! Maybe we should be thankful this doesn't happen more often? It seems to be increasing in frequency though.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Not news worthy.
Nothing has changed after a gunman entered an elementary school and shot up a bunch of kids.
Yet another psycho doing it to a community college? Who fucking cares.
Stop reporting on it. Stop discussing it. Just accept it. This is our tax to live our lifestyle. Carry on, nothing will change. People will bluster, but time will pass and life will go on until the next time this happens and the cycle starts all over again. Originally Posted by Lahk
It is newsworthy, but I think I understand your point of frustration.

In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.
t_pride's Avatar
I have lived through some serious times at various places (D.C. during 9/11 and the D.C.Sniper Shootings, Evanston, IL during the Racial Killings of 1999 are some examples) but I wasn't shook by them. Sandy Hook bothered me to my core (I mean tears). It amazes me how our COWARD ASS Politicians won't do anything on gun control. This shit is no normal. Too scared and/or getting paid by the NRA. I swear the things they do for donations make the ladies in here seem like nuns! But I am even more disappointed our society. We should be screaming out our politicians for some sort of change but I guess we don't until the tragedy hits home.
melannie_star's Avatar
I have lived through some serious times at various places (D.C. during 9/11 and the D.C.Sniper Shootings, Evanston, IL during the Racial Killings of 1999 are some examples) but I wasn't shook by them. Sandy Hook bothered me to my core (I mean tears). It amazes me how our COWARD ASS Politicians won't do anything on gun control. This shit is no normal. Too scared and/or getting paid by the NRA. I swear the things they do for donations make the ladies in here seem like nuns! But I am even more disappointed our society. We should be screaming out our politicians for some sort of change but I guess we don't until the tragedy hits home. Originally Posted by t_pride
+1 Well Said
Lord Abbot's Avatar
Not news worthy.
Nothing has changed after a gunman entered an elementary school and shot up a bunch of kids.
Yet another psycho doing it to a community college? Who fucking cares.
Stop reporting on it. Stop discussing it. Just accept it. This is our tax to live our lifestyle. Carry on, nothing will change. People will bluster, but time will pass and life will go on until the next time this happens and the cycle starts all over again. Originally Posted by Lahk
I believe the poster was just scarstically commenting on our sad state of affairs and political indifference that we don't have the balls to pass seemingly sensible gun legislation. It seems counterintuitive that the foremost democracy in the world idolizes the gun to such an extent that we immediately cry unconstitutional any measure to controll ownership or make it safer.

Give it a few months and you'll be having this same conversation again and all that will change is a number of lives will be cut down before their time.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Lahk is correct. Once we decided we like our gun culture more than we live our kids, why would this be news?