Pictures With Men

Layin' Pipe's Avatar

In your ads / profile pics, please don't use any pictures with men in them. It's a turnoff.

Men are fucking gross.

This might be a deciding factor whether to book an appointment or not.

Thank You.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
You talkin about my girl Kaykay lol
Layin' Pipe's Avatar
I had three other providers ads in mind I had seen lately. I wasn't aware of Kaykays. That makes four.

BBQ Guy, that's a good picture of you btw, lol.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar

But He wasn't there when I fucked her silly...see review
JackJohnson's Avatar
KayKay does content too, with the dude in the ad, so I imagine it was because she posts content ad pics in other places, they have an "interesting" relationship.

We have providers still posting ankle monitor bracelets (and then saying its none of your business in their ad, WHY they are wearing a tracking device, LOL), others who have blanked out their ankle bracelets, etc. etc.

Some of these pictures I openly laugh at and ask, who the HELL told you that was sexy? But you know, their phone still rings, jokes on us!
This is your opinion, OP. I have several clients that like shit like that. So don't book an appointment with that girl. I highly doubt she gives a fuck.