The OF movement is just getting started it goes well beyond the one site. Girls are finding ways to earn without meet ups or at least in the price range most of us would be willing to pay. While I appreciate the concept for them its not good for us potential customers.
On the other side when it comes to good service it is harder than ever to get real review info so even quality providers are not given much reason to perform consistently. I enjoy virtual fun especially with girls I have seen or will visit and have been fortunate to find some that engage that way after a good session or two to keep the intensity going.
Tryst is pretty much like DoorDash you are always going to pay more than you should and seldom get what you pay for with really no avenue to pursue a remedy when the service is not up to expected levels.
One current trend that I despise but will likely become more standard is the pay to talk process where you essentially are asked to contribute in order to establish some kind of conversation that might lead to a session. This works well for Costco but you also can expect variety and value when you sign up. I think the OF movement is bad for those of us who don't live in a densely populated area that offers good in person options.
Originally Posted by DNinja69
I think many are asking people to "pay for conversation" because some men try to engage in a makeshift phone sex chat in guise of booking a session. They will text back and forth for a week pretending they're interested, all the while they're just bored and trying to get their jollies off. It's beneficial to the male but detrimental to the female.
I love chatting and getting to know new people but it gets really frustrating.