So does any one out there in hobby land have an arch enemy? Someone you just can't stand or love to get under their skin?
Originally Posted by just4funk10
Yes. Not going to name them (yes there are more than one), because there are simply way too many. I don't bait them though. If I can't stand someone here I just put them on my ignore list and just don't interact with her/him at all.* It keeps my blood pressure down to a reasonable level, and it makes the site more pleasant for innocent onlookers.
*There was a period where, if I kept putting people on my ignore list at the rate I was doing it then, I figured that in five years or so I'd have every ECCIE member but me on ignore, and I'd just babble to myself.

Either people have gotten better behaved or I've mellowed out a bit, because I haven't added anyone to the magic list in a while now...