New polling data from the most accurate pollster in the US - Rasmussen....

It's ALL good trending................


Especially notable:
50% view Ryan favorably (higher than Joe Biden)

66% think spending cuts is the solution......and more.....

Hope and change my poltical buddies, change isa coming !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's wait until late October. Lot's of time left for either side to screw thing up. Our best scenario would be if they both lost.
The goal is to get Obama out......then push the GOP closer to a Constitutional Conservative Republic....incrementalism, not revolution !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. How's that been working so far?
Same can be asked about your LP Path To Victory plan........
joe bloe's Avatar
I hope those numbers hold up; this is still the honeymoon. The Dimo's are going to try very hard to define Ryan as an extremist. I hope the American people will vote for someone that's telling them an unpleasant truth instead of a lying demogogue that tells them the social welfare sytem can go on forever.
I will let you know about 2014 after the first 2 years of a Romney presidency...when can I expect to get your answer on how your LP takeover plan is working out ?

Yeah. How's that been working so far? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
joe bloe's Avatar
The goal is to get Obama out......then push the GOP closer to a Constitutional Conservative Republic....incrementalism, not revolution ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think you're right. Our only chance is to restore the Constitution by working within the GOP. It took the Dimo's decades to get us into this mess. We're not going to fix it over night. The Dimo's broke the country; we have to put it back together.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2012, 11:01 AM
a brand new trend looms on the horizon

Booing Paul Ryan ... Iowa, a swing state,doesnt swing with Paulie.

the crowd at the state fair was curious about Social Security ... imagine that?
"the crowd" was a couple of Obama goons sent to disrupt the very large Ryan gathering.....Romney and Ryan have been packing the house everywhere they show up.....the crowds are so large the venues can't hold the numbers who want to attend....

On the other hand Obama is lucky if the auditorium seats are half full !

LovingKayla's Avatar
I am under the impression Obama lost the popular vote in 08. The electoral college still voted him in.

I really don't want to be a downer on this thread but I'm just curious. What will happen if obama loses to romney say... 60/40 on poplar vote and still gets reelected because the electoral college (why do we need them anyway? Not constitutional as far as I know) votes obama in no matter what. It would just look better if he didn't lose soooo badly.

After everything he's gotten away with, this is not outside the realm of possibilities.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, let's see. Reagan advanced some pretty significant incremental gains. HW Bush retreated on many of those, the Clinton came along, and at first retreated, then advanced some incremental gains. Then we had W. A few incremental gains, but a huge retreat in a lot of areas. Now we have Obama, and we are worse off than we have ever been.

The problem with incrementalism is that you have to drag along a lot of people who aren't interested in advancing. Then you have the problem of the incrementalists being unable to agree on which increment to advance first. So incrementalism is slow, at best. Then you will have a someone come along like Obama, and all the advances that have been are reversed. Incrementalism has gained us nothing. In fact, it has made us worse.

Then you have to start over, one step forward, two steps back. All incrementalism does is allow the ruling elite the chance to give the appearance of change, when none is actually occurring. And in the event an advance is made, it can be quickly reversed, because there is no uniform resistance. We're all focusing on our pet "increments."

If we are going to change, and we aren't, the change needs to be fast and wholesale. That's the only way it will last. We can fool ourselves that we are slowly advancing, but we always see the advances reversed by clever rhetoric, and charismatic leaders tied to the elite.

We could have incrementally won the War in the Pacific by invading Japan, and it would have cost thousands of lives and taken months, if not years. Or we could execute wholesale change by dropping the Bomb on them, and get it over with.

Which is more effective? Which promoted long term change? Which convinced those opposed to us, to eventually join our side (after much compassion and education after the fact)?

Incrementalism is wasting time and energy that could be put to much better use uniting for wholesale change and an immediate return to the Constitution.

It won't happen, but that's the only way to get there.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-14-2012, 11:25 AM
Im confused, are we supposed to believe the polls or not? You looney fuckers on the far right are going tobe really sad come November. Much like the John Kerry supporters were in 2004.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-14-2012, 11:27 AM
"the crowd" was a couple of Obama goons sent to disrupt the very large Ryan gathering.....Romney and Ryan have been packing the house everywhere they show up.....the crowds are so large the venues can't hold the numbers who want to attend....

On the other hand Obama is lucky if the auditorium seats are half full !


Originally Posted by Whirlaway

sure they were ... everyone that disagrees with ryans ss epiphany is an obama goon

just wait until all of those Obama goons go to the polls ... what is it, about 70% of the country are pro ss?

romney and ryan are about 70% FUCKED

trendy aint it?
@LK, Obama won both the popular and electoral vote.....I can't recall an election when the votes (popular and electoral) went to different candidates.