Question for the sexperts:

Lateralus's Avatar
The SO and I are headed to a sunny vacation very soon. We saw an ad for the "Yours and Mine" KY jelly and thought we'd give it a try on the resort. It's supposed to have a cooling effect on the man's junk, and a warming effect on the vagoo. When rubbed together, apparently there are fireworks and choirs singing. We looked up reviews on the net, and saw a lot of testimonials by the ladies that there was some irritation, rashes, and discomfort after it was used, so the SO is turned off by the idea. Is there anything we can bring along the lines of what was promised by the ad? Thanks for any ideas! And she's not a fan of bringing toys on a plane, since they could end up embarassing her if searched at all.
Guest020111's Avatar
Me and my SO have used/using the "KY Intense" for her.. GOD!! Sometimes I have to gag her to keep from waking up the neighborhood. I've had numerous conversations with providers and other ladies.. Its sitting around 75% for and 25% against the stuff. The ones that did not like it complained of weird feelings to the point of it hurting, or the said rash. Doing some research myself there are clams that a chemical in that and the "Yours and Mine".. ( Propylene Glycol: is a skin irritant) and most web sites say to use " [G] Female Stimulation Gel " cost less and doesn't have the said chemical in it.. I personally haven't tried it but we have tried the cheaper stuff called " Durex Utopia, still has the same chemical in it" but it did not work as well.

I always say try everything at least once, if your SO doesn't like it our get irradiated by it then don't use it and try one of the other products.
With "yours and mine", it's actually the men's stuff that has the warming effect and the ladies stuff that is cooling. I HATE the ladies stuff. But the men's stuff is quite good for HJs
Rodger's Avatar
I agree...
Lateralus's Avatar
Thanks, all! It looks like we'll have to do some "trial and error" testing on the KYs. I was hoping there was something we could try for the first time on vacation, but with something like this, I guess we should play it safe and make sure we both like it and that it doesn't ruin a day or two of our trip.

We did see something called a "We-Vibe" on-line that looks pretty fun and isn't shaped like a sex toy. We may be able to sneak that into our luggage without without worrying if it's seen during a search.

BTW, Lily... I'm still walking around work getting distracted by flash-backs to last week!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Forget the fancy stuff and just go with KY Liquid. It's much better then the other "types" and doesn't dry out so much. A small flavored lube to help with blowjobs isn't such a bad idea, either. I like H20 in Tangerine Dream.

If you're checking luggage, than searching shouldn't be an issue. If you're not checking luggage, maybe take some zucchinis or a banana or two with you. Be sure to cover vegetables if you're going to play with them. The pesticides on veges isn't good for anyone.

Otherwise, if you're into paddles, a spatula (large wooden one) does a better job than a leather paddle. Clothespins for the nipples, etc. Any household item with a phallic shape and a surface without any sharp edges is something to think about and fair game for exploration!

Stuff around the house makes for some great sex toys and only people like "us" or people who are naturally pervy are going to even think about it. And you don't care what they think. Just enjoy the twinkle in their eyes!

Good luck!