Do you believe Hillary?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
She says she turned over all related work emails.

Guess we have to take her word for it.

Whatever that's worth.
I don't believe anyone.
LexusLover's Avatar
Guess we have to take her word for it.

Whatever that's worth. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Not much.

Ask Stevens next time you see him.
I wish we could get our hands on that private server!
LexusLover's Avatar
I wish we could get our hands on that private server! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If we can get "our hands" on OBL's, HRC's is a cake walk.
This (the UN presser) went badly................check out the Washington Post reaction...

Clintons and controversy: The circus is back in town
Did no one tell Hillary that smart phones can have multiple email address?

Deception #1

60,000 emails and she never sent or received a single national security sensitive piece of information?

Deception #2

and others.........

She destroyed personal emails?

Translation: Don't look for anything else, i destroyed them all. Including any emails that might implicate me in foreign fund raising for my foundation when I was SOS.
LexusLover's Avatar
Did no one tell Hillary that smart phones can have multiple email address? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No one told Bill cum had DNA in it.
Nope, I don't believe Hillary one tiny bit. I believe she should not only be disgraced, but should face federal charges. Sadly I would feel comfortable betting my next six months of revenue that she will never face a single criminal charge.

Meanwhile, I don't know why liberals continue to astound me, but they do. These morons will just keep carrying water for her no matter what she does. Never mind the hypocrisy that those who continue to defend Hillary we also quick to condemn Palin for using a personal email account. At least Palin never created her own personal, wildly unsecure server to manage her emails with.
She politely said she would not turn over her Private Server, even though that is the Server she conducted all of her SOS business on, because remember, she did not have a Government Account. And out of all of those official e-mails, not one was about national security. Not one.

This is unreal. Hellen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, could see through this charade.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope, not a word.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Do you believe Hillary? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
In a word... No.

She politely said she would not turn over her Private Server Originally Posted by Jackie S
As entitled as she thinks she is, no one is above subpoena.
I look forward to it.
It's Blew... fuckers <-947! LOL!

Bill recently said he's only sent two e-mails in his life. Neither of them to Hillary.
Today Hillary said she's sent many emails to Bill. Ooops.

She also said her email wasn't compromised. But we already know it was thru Guccifer. Double oops.

Here's my appropriate link for Bigkotex:

She politely said she would not turn over her Private Server, even though that is the Server she conducted all of her SOS business on, because remember, she did not have a Government Account. And out of all of those official e-mails, not one was about national security. Not one.

This is unreal. Hellen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, could see through this charade. Originally Posted by Jackie S
All the official emails went to govt email accounts and were thus logged into the archive backup. But don't let the facts stand in the way of a juicy story. She turned over 55k pages of emails. She doesn't have to turn over her private personal emails.