Commonly Sold as "Head Cleaner" But Used for Something Else

A buddy told me that he and his girlfriend recently started using these things. A buddy of mine (gay) has used them for decades and says it enhances the sexual experience. If that's true then how come these things haven't been embraced by the straight community? Do they do anything at all?
tgmhomid's Avatar
They're mostly used by the gay community by bottoms because they help relax the sphincter for anal. I had a GF who enjoyed using them during sex, but as for me they didn't enhance anything.
corona's Avatar
WTF is head cleaner??

Oh man....I know them as poppers also and all they did was make me super dizzy and nauseous I just got off an insane carnival ride and you just want that feeling to end. I actually had a client use them way back when I started and it was kinda strange to have him carry that little bottle in one hand the entire session and sniff it all the time and then his eyes got all weird and possessed looking. He claimed he was in AA and this relaxed him!! Haha!

Also on another note.....inhalents of any kind kill brain cells immediately or damage them. So wouldn't make a habit of it and do your research like anything else. Play safe!! ��������
rcinokc's Avatar
Worked my way through college in a c-store across the street from an Air Force Base. The number of PILOTS coming in buying that shit scared me to death. Kept waiting for one to fall out of the sky while I was working.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 07-08-2015, 03:13 PM
We called it "rush" back in the day, not sure you can talk about it here even if it's legal to buy...
Can we talk about model glue and spray paint?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Look up amyl nitrites.
Mojojo's Avatar
No drug discussion please! Thanks!