The two-faced hobbyist

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Ladies have you ever had a hobbyist that you have seen and well you didn't really care for? So the next couple of times that hobbyist wants to make an appt, you had other stuff to do. Ilike almost all the hobbyist I meet but there is always that one bad apple you do everything to avoid. Well that's when the other face turns it's head. Hobbyist have the right to write a review either bad, good, or in the middle. Welcome to America the free. Anyone can also lie about things if they chose to. But how is a provider to defend herself? Isn't it also America the free the right to say this is how I see it ? A provider can pm the mods and hope for the best. What about texts a provider has to show another side of the story? Look everyone isn't meant to get along and click. But before you lie about something make sure there isn't proof to the contrary to such a lie. I do wish that here on this site that a provider could reply on a review, or even review the hobbyist back. In the end maybe I'm the one that's a bit butthurt too. All hobbyist and providers feel free to weigh in with your thoughts. This is America the free after all.
okiegirllover's Avatar
I think there should be a section to review hobbyists. I know there is a valid argument for who is paying and who isn't but ultimately it might lead to better connections for both both parties.
I think most hobbyist know a smear job on a provider when they read one.especially if she has mostly good reviews.some guys are just small and petty.Those that have good time with a provider, are going to go by there experiences,knowing sour grapes when we see it.
Sorry to hear you had to deal with that problems.Welcome to business two face hobbyists and hookers.Be careful who you trust in this business.Running mouths open the door to trouble.
Agreed..running mouth's lead to trouble
mwsatx's Avatar
A couple of no reviews aren't necessarily going to stop me from seeing someone. I do a lot of homework before booking a session. Of course I'll look at your reviews, but I'll also read through your postings, google your contact info, look at your P411 if you're a member and other things as well. This gives me a bigger picture and allows me to make a better decision if we'd be a good match.

Run your business the way you want and see who you want. You've got 115 yes reviews and 2 no. That's a 98% yes rating. I wouldn't worry about it.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I always say do your research on a provider so that you know what to expect and want from her. The biggest part that bugs me is that he might get 6 weeks free off me. He lied about the date it took place on. Like I always say, we are free to say what we want, it's our right in America to either be honest or petty.
tx05409's Avatar
I always say do your research on a provider so that you know what to expect and want from her. The biggest part that bugs me is that he might get 6 weeks free off me. He lied about the date it took place on. Like I always say, we are free to say what we want, it's our right in America to either be honest or petty. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Seems there is a thread in the West Texas forum about this same issue. Seems to be an ongoing problem.
normalguy21's Avatar
Ladies have you ever had a hobbyist that you have seen and well you didn't really care for? So the next couple of times that hobbyist wants to make an appt, you had other stuff to do. Ilike almost all the hobbyist I meet but there is always that one bad apple you do everything to avoid. Well that's when the other face turns it's head. Hobbyist have the right to write a review either bad, good, or in the middle. Welcome to America the free. Anyone can also lie about things if they chose to. But how is a provider to defend herself? Isn't it also America the free the right to say this is how I see it ? A provider can pm the mods and hope for the best. What about texts a provider has to show another side of the story? Look everyone isn't meant to get along and click. But before you lie about something make sure there isn't proof to the contrary to such a lie. I do wish that here on this site that a provider could reply on a review, or even review the hobbyist back. In the end maybe I'm the one that's a bit butthurt too. All hobbyist and providers feel free to weigh in with your thoughts. This is America the free after all. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
How good are you with computer stuff ?

Build your web page and have a review blog on gents there .

Just a thought .

I understand what you are saying about wanting a section to review the guys but in all fairness it seems the only time this comes up is when a unfavorable review is posted .

Would you review every guy that saw you ?

What categories do you feel that would be relevant ?

Would you want the section to be visible to all are just the providers ?

What if a gent requested a no review policy ?

Do you really think in the long run it would help your biz to have a gents review section ?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Has anyone ever dealt with the hx-humiplex site? I would say something like that as a model for a review both parties can use. No i am not computer skilled to be able to build something like that. Hell I could try to explain how that site does it. Also p411 at least has an "o.k." section and that's about as basic you can get, but at least it's something.
I'm not sure how this is most relevant to D & T as opposed to the Main Discussion Forum. Either way, I feel where you're coming from. Despite sometimes being rather sassy or cheeky in my responses, I can actually be very submissive and demure. Some gents try to take advantage of that and push boundaries BCD, and I'm left wondering how often they've attempted to act a way with other providers but I just wasn't privy to it. I've only had a few experiences so far where I absolutely would not meet with the gent again. They'd know it because any subsequent inquiries they've made, they'd be blocked. And with one gent, there were alerts on him, that I found after the fact. (I was just starting out and didn't screen and research as thoroughly as I do know, and the several dozen okays he had led me to think things would be fine.) This is why provider only channels and spaces are so crucial.
albundy's Avatar
I never understood why a provider can't see the "Rest Of Story" that is written about her. Seems only right that she should know what is being said about her. It is her job we're talking about.

I would have no problem at all with providers being able to see my ROS details in reviews. I'd actually like it and would be interested in seeing the ladies' comments on the reviews.
normalguy21's Avatar
I never understood why a provider can't see the "Rest Of Story" that is written about her. Seems only right that she should know what is being said about her. It is her job we're talking about.

I would have no problem at all with providers being able to see my ROS details in reviews. I'd actually like it and would be interested in seeing the ladies' comments on the reviews. Originally Posted by albundy
I agree .

But I don't see why they couldn't see the ros if they bought a paid membership.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I just took a look that review to see if it's been changed and I saw more b.s. SMH, how is saying "lmfao im 40 with grey hair . please lose my number. And you have the wrong date." A hateful 1 time text?
albundy's Avatar
I just took a look that review to see if it's been changed and I saw more b.s. SMH, how is saying "lmfao im 40 with grey hair . please lose my number. And you have the wrong date." A hateful 1 time text? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
You should just drop it. I know it's hard to do, but one "no" in a sea of "Yes" reviews won't matter. I read the review and it's hard to say who is lying or what. I wasn't there. He doesn't have a history of "no" reviews except for one other time and you have bunches of "Yes" reviews. I guess it was just a shitty meeting for the both of you.

Just let it go. You have a good rep it seems. You'll be fine.