Returning Calls and Texting

There was a thread about texting and calling back and not texting and calling back. Reading that thread, I thought am I handling call backs right. What I want to know from you guys is how you like call backs and texting in general handled.

Here’s how I do it:
- If someone calls me and leaves a message, I listen to the message to determine if it is okay to call back and of so what are the time parameters.
- If they don’t leave a message, I call back between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.
- If I get a vague, crossed-eyed response after I say who I am, I say never mind; wrong number. They can call back if they want to. They know who they have called.
- If I get a voice that is not his or is female – yikes – I ask for Angie.
- I never text unless they specifically tell me to. And even then, only on the occasion they say it is ok.

The way I figure it is a gentleman can explain one call out and a return call as a wrong number, but the poor guy can never explain away a text.
Toreador_one's Avatar
Who is Angie? ....... J/K
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Dang...Olivia... I've been sitting by the phone...waiting...
CaptainQ's Avatar
I would be happy just to get a call/txt back. Many don't even return calls/txt/emails.
sounds like a solid game plan. I never text.
I don't return or text back, unless i know for sure.....which mean he has explained his situation and gave me the green light.

So many guys don't say its okay to call, when its really okay. And then i get the why didn't you call me back Lisa it was okay. Im like well you didn't say so. Im sorry its weird just texting or calling back. I don't know if they are in a meeting or with the SO, I'll rather wait for the gentlemen to call or text back.
Dstorm's Avatar
if you call and get a female, go into a sales pitch about vacums or Amway or something.
granted the guy should have a hobby phone, if he does not and the S.O. answers, they may still get suspicious about a female calling. just my two cents
Htowner's Avatar
Angie said quit calling her.
Dang...Olivia... I've been sitting by the phone...waiting... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
But Mi Amor, you never called me. Wanna flirt?

And why am I getting so much static about Angie . I'm sure she's a good ole gal, but better her than me in trouble with someone's lady than me.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
You call me whenever you want ..... umm at least when I have minutes, lol.