Non-Paying Mongers

Slowschool's Avatar
The ladies at my UTR place are complaining about Non-paying Mongers. Nobody likes getting up for your wallet in the middle of a session, but that's the reason why. If you order something pay for it. We all know money is tight right now, but if you can't spring .40-.60 stay home and watch some Pornhub.
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silvester91999's Avatar
I ALWAYS start out with $40 on the table prior to the girl entering the room. If I'm 100% on what activities will take place them I put that out up front as well.

Now, about this UTR location?
I never pay in advance. I will negotiate price after flip then pay that amount. Even if its bad service. Just lessoned learned. But I never go in set the whole amount on table.
Personally I don’t like any negotiation, it kills my mood. I set out the amount on the table, she asks if that’s for her. I play dumb, and say, I think so, it’s just laying there. So technically I’m just getting a massage I paid for at the door. No clue where that money on the table came from. And anything else that happens is between two consenting adults.
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I just worry about til she asks and mostly it’s after the deed has been done in my experience