Which does the most damage?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The AR 15 and M 16 are chambered in 5.56 mm or .223 caliber. Essentially the same bullet and it is the same projectile. So, the question is; which causes greater damage? A bullet from an AR15, a Ruger Ranch rifle with the same length barrel, a Remington bolt action with the same length barrel or a Thompson-Center pistol(or rifle) with the same length barrel. In all cases the barrel length be 16 inches.

Just so you have a frame of reference:




eccieuser9500's Avatar

I don't know what you're shooting at, or hitting, but I just like the look of this one.

Anyway. A long time ago, I don't know where, but I heard a "22" will pierce your skull and ricochet around never exiting. Tearing up your brain.

That's all I have for this dumb poll. Sorry nobody else has replied. So far, there were sixteen views. I'm the seventeenth. Where the fuck are you going with this? This should be in the kitty litter box.

If we are talking about the same Cal. bullets, same weight and same barrel lengths,the barrels twists would be the only thing left to determine which firearm delivers the most impact.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
5.56mm would seem to cause more "damage" than most heavier rounds at least from what i've read.

best story I've read from a vietnam veteran. this guy attends a veterans convention.

he runs into this guy.. says: "hey, I know you, you're supposed to be dead from bullet wound in the temple". He says, "yeah, I had a hole in my head. I woke up and continued fighting".

he prolly had 2 holes, one in the front and one in the back.

the round he got hit with was mostly likely a 7.62mm.
5.56mm would seem to cause more "damage" than most heavier rounds at least from what i've read.

best story I've read from a vietnam veteran. this guy attends a veterans convention.

he runs into this guy.. says: "hey, I know you, you're supposed to be dead from bullet wound in the temple". He says, "yeah, I had a hole in my head. I woke up and continued fighting".

he prolly had 2 holes, one in the front and one in the back.

the round he got hit with was mostly likely a 7.62mm. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Those rounds do have a few slight differences. The 5.56 is a NATO round and runs at a higher pressure range than the .223 and the 5.56 is a fraction longer at the throat of the round than the .223. It's good to have a Bolt Carrier that can handle both rounds.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, some have figured it out. The purpose of this poll was to determine who understands bullets and who doesn't. I also notice that the lefties have refused to respond. Not sure of the answer?

It is the bullet that causes the damage. The weapon matters not unless you're a leftist activist or politician. Somehow, according to Joe Biden, a bullet fired by an AR15 explodes on impact. So, you're either too ignorant to know this, too stupid to figure it out, or you have an ulterior motive to your harping.
Precious_b's Avatar
I would say it is the person that can deliver said bullet most accurately from the above list.
I would say it is the person that can deliver said bullet most accurately from the above list. Originally Posted by Precious_b
That's something that should be assumed for the sake of the discussion.
How about the lowly Ruger mini 14 with a extended magazines.

It will do anything a semi auto AR-15 will do while looking perfectly civil.

But if you wanted something that will really cause mayhem but look perfectly civil, get a Browning Semi Auto in 30/06. Chop the barrel off to around 20 inches for easy handling.

What ever you are shooting at would wish you had a AR-15.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

I don't know what you're shooting at, or hitting, but I just like the look of this one.

Anyway. A long time ago, I don't know where, but I heard a "22" will pierce your skull and ricochet around never exiting. Tearing up your brain.

That's all I have for this dumb poll. Sorry nobody else has replied. So far, there were sixteen views. I'm the seventeenth. Where the fuck are you going with this? This should be in the kitty litter box.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Well, some have figured it out. The purpose of this poll was to determine who understands bullets and who doesn't. I also notice that the lefties have refused to respond. Not sure of the answer?

Are you stupid? I did. You first had to answer my question.

I'm curious to know what you thought of my reply.

It is the bullet that causes the damage. The weapon matters not unless you're a leftist activist or politician. Somehow, according to Joe Biden, a bullet fired by an AR15 explodes on impact. So, you're either too ignorant to know this, too stupid to figure it out, or you have an ulterior motive to your harping. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You said lefties "refused to respond" when I was the second and only one for a short time! How fuckin' dumb was that statement? Jeeez!

This still belongs in the shit box!

txdot-guy's Avatar
Well, some have figured it out. The purpose of this poll was to determine who understands bullets and who doesn't. I also notice that the lefties have refused to respond. Not sure of the answer?

It is the bullet that causes the damage. The weapon matters not unless you're a leftist activist or politician. Somehow, according to Joe Biden, a bullet fired by an AR15 explodes on impact. So, you're either too ignorant to know this, too stupid to figure it out, or you have an ulterior motive to your harping. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Please educate me. I thought that the damage done was a combination of both the bullet size and the powder charge. The larger the cartridge, eg more powder, usually means more force impacting the target. Ergo more damage done.

Do all of the weapons on the list use the same cartridge and bullet? Is my logic incorrect?
texassapper's Avatar
Please educate me. I thought that the damage done was a combination of both the bullet size and the powder charge. The larger the cartridge, eg more powder, usually means more force impacting the target. Ergo more damage done. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Not necessarily. At the military Academy, I had the opportunity to fire a civil war era rifle. We had to learn the whole drill of loading and firing. The paper targets were attached to 4x4s inserted into pipes in the ground. We fired at about 25 yards and if you were able to actually hit the 4x4 it would snap right in two. The .50 caliber miniball moving really slow smashed through flesh rather than puncture.

My understanding was the 5.56 was standardized on because it was a wound multiplier... it didn't kill the opponent it wounded them thus requiring another man to evacuate and tend to the wounded. 2x men removed from combat for a center mass wound.

Not sure if that was apocryphal or not. It seems logical but when you're the Joe getting shot at you don't want to wound, you want a kill shot.

My point is slow and big did WAY more damage than small and light. So you are correct there are two variables, mass & acceleration (our old friends) Force = Mass x Acceleration.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...My point is slow and big did WAY more damage than small and light. So you are correct there are two variables, mass & acceleration (our old friends) Force = Mass x Acceleration. Originally Posted by texassapper
Hence my preference for a .45 cal, with hearing protection device installed. It keeps the Mass side up (230 grain Hornaday Critical-Duty hollow point), yet still provides decent acceleration, at a practically sub-sonic speed, at significantly reduced decibels (to aid in potential exfiltration)

Because I care enough to send the very best.
texassapper's Avatar
Hence my preference for a .45 cal, with hearing protection device installed. It keeps the Mass side up (230 grain Hornaday Critical-Duty hollow point), yet still provides decent acceleration, at a practically sub-sonic speed, at significantly reduced decibels (to aid in potential exfiltration)

Because I care enough to send the very best. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Same same. There are only two kinds of countries: Those that use 9mm and those that put men on the moon.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Not necessarily. At the military Academy, I had the opportunity to fire a civil war era rifle. We had to learn the whole drill of loading and firing. The paper targets were attached to 4x4s inserted into pipes in the ground. We fired at about 25 yards and if you were able to actually hit the 4x4 it would snap right in two. The .50 caliber miniball moving really slow smashed through flesh rather than puncture.

My understanding was the 5.56 was standardized on because it was a wound multiplier... it didn't kill the opponent it wounded them thus requiring another man to evacuate and tend to the wounded. 2x men removed from combat for a center mass wound.

Not sure if that was apocryphal or not. It seems logical but when you're the Joe getting shot at you don't want to wound, you want a kill shot.

My point is slow and big did WAY more damage than small and light. So you are correct there are two variables, mass & acceleration (our old friends) Force = Mass x Acceleration. Originally Posted by texassapper

Just trying to understand the poll. If all the listed firearms are chambered with the same caliber bullet wouldn't the cartridge size (powder charge) determine the speed and power of the bullet.

I'm not a gun guy of any stripe but I didn't answer the poll because I didn't know the cartridge size of each weapon listed.

Or am I missing something?