Hot for teacher

Stop me if this is a re-tread thread, but I saw in the news today that yet another teacher has admitted to having sex with her 14-year-old student.

Seems more and more common these days - yet, maybe it always was.

Back in the mid 70's, right after graduation, my high school French teacher had me come over to help her move - and, yep, we ended up banging – big time. Of course, I had always thought about it, but it never occurred to me that it might happen in real life.

Has anybody else had this happen?
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 03-11-2010, 11:22 PM
I've always been a very sexual being and I've done every teacher since kindergarden contemporaneously in my daydreams during class... albeit not knowing what went where for the first several years, but nevertheless always getting down and dirty.
When I was in school I found it easier to just fuck my teacher's hot daughter. We both got A's in sex-ed that year!
Hawkeye9's Avatar
My english teacher in 9th grade was a neighbor and a 28 year former model.

Needless to say I had many wet dreams, but 28 year old women/men should not need 14 year olds
mikahranae's Avatar
I used to fantasize about my English teacher in 9th grade that was also a coach. He was so fucking hot!!!!
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Mikah...I'm sure he fantasized about getting you on the kitchen counter top...or up against the wall...whoops...that was my fantasy!
spudd's Avatar
  • spudd
  • 03-15-2010, 09:39 PM
You guys are so lucky. I think the best looking teacher I ever had was maybe a 6.