Democrats' Zika Playbook: Block Solutions, Let the Problem Get Worse, Then Blame It On Republicans

lustylad's Avatar
That's the way those thoroughly dishonest miscreant Democrats roll! Odumbo even railed against the "Republican-led Congress" at yesterday's news conference. But hey, what's more important - protecting the public health? Or letting the virus spread in order to demonize Republicans and demagogue the issue for political gain?

Zika and the Democrats

Obama is sitting on money and methods to slow the virus. Instead he blames Congress.

Aug. 2, 2016 6:49 p.m. ET

The Zika virus is only beginning to hit the U.S. mainland, but its political exploitation is already an epidemic. To wit, the Obama Administration that is sitting on money and methods to reduce the Zika outbreak is using the virus as a political bludgeon to elect more Democrats.

A Zika outbreak hit Miami this week, and the Centers for Disease Control on Monday advised pregnant women to get checked for possible exposure. Women in Miami are being told to cover up, stay indoors and wear insect repellant because the virus can cause malformed brains in the womb. These are sensible precautions, but it would be better if the government wasn’t dysfunctional in spending the money it has and eradicating the mosquitoes that carry the disease.

About 6,400 cases of Zika have been confirmed in the U.S. and its territories, though only one in five who are infected show symptoms. Most cases in the continental U.S. have been individuals who have traveled to regions with an epidemic, particularly Latin and Central America. While the virus can be transmitted sexually, it is commonly spread by mosquitoes. The infection risk peaks in the summer.

The White House that is responsible for public health is trying to blame Congress while ducking its own failures. “The keys here are sitting with Congress, and they have to turn them to unleash more federal funding,” White House press secretary Eric Schultz said Friday.

He should talk to Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer because Senate Democrats blocked Zika funding. The Administration in February requested $1.9 billion for Zika research, education and prevention. Last month the Senate and House agreed to a $1.1 billion compromise that was offset by $543 million in leftover ObamaCare funds when Puerto Rico chose to expand Medicaid rather than set up exchanges. The bill also temporarily waived duplicative permitting requirements for anti-mosquito pesticides.

But Senate Democrats blocked the conference report, inventing the excuse that the bill banned funding for Planned Parenthood, restricted access to birth control and gutted the Clean Water Act. None of this is true. Planned Parenthood wasn’t specifically identified on a list of public health clinics and community health centers eligible for funding, but it also wasn’t barred from receiving federal funds as a sub-grantee.

Even with Congress on vacation, the Administration currently has $385 million in reprogrammed Ebola funds at its disposal. Only about half of that has been obligated, which Department of Health and Human Services spokesman Bill Hall attributes to bureaucratic federal procurement regulations. Yet the Administration continues to insist it needs more money even though it can’t spend the money it has fast enough.

President Obama is fond of executive action, yet in this case he hasn’t taken lawful steps on his own to arrest Zika’s spread. For example, the Food and Drug Administration could expedite the approval of a genetically engineered male mosquito pioneered by the British company Oxitec. Due to a mutation, the mosquito and its offspring die before reaching maturity, substantially shrinking the infectious population in a few months.

Trials in Brazil, the Cayman Islands and Panama have shown a 90% reduction in the mosquito population within six to nine months, and the World Health Organization has endorsed Oxitec’s strategy. The FDA accepted Oxitec’s application for a field trial in the Florida Keys five years ago, without notable action.

Despite the FDA’s finding in March that the modified mosquito posed “no significant impact” to the environment, the company hasn’t received clearance to conduct tests. Environmental activists have stirred up opposition in the Florida Keys that appears to have scared the federal bureaucracy. How about getting your government moving, Mr. President, instead of passing the buck to Congress?

As Henry Miller of the Hoover Institution explains nearby, bureaucratic intransigence is also partly to blame for the slow development of a Zika vaccine. Clinical trials would have to be conducted in areas where Zika is widespread, which currently means Puerto Rico. The FDA imposes strenuous requirements for studies that could make it hard to prove a vaccine is safe and effective. There’s often little incentive for companies to invest in research that might not pan out or produce little profit.

Democrats are calling Republicans obstructionists in hopes that frustration with government and an anti-Trump wave will deliver them the Senate and perhaps even the House in November. But the root cause of Washington’s Zika pathology is Democrats who are exploiting the virus to score political points.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
That's the way those thoroughly dishonest miscreant Democrats roll! Odumbo even railed against the "Republican-led Congress" at yesterday's news conference. But hey, what's more important - protecting the public health? Or letting the virus spread in order to demonize Republicans and demagogue the issue for political gain?

Zika and the Democrats

Obama is sitting on money and methods to slow the virus. Instead he blames Congress.

Aug. 2, 2016 6:49 p.m. ET

The Zika virus is only beginning to hit the U.S. mainland, but its political exploitation is already an epidemic. To wit, the Obama Administration that is sitting on money and methods to reduce the Zika outbreak is using the virus as a political bludgeon to elect more Democrats.

A Zika outbreak hit Miami this week, and the Centers for Disease Control on Monday advised pregnant women to get checked for possible exposure. Women in Miami are being told to cover up, stay indoors and wear insect repellant because the virus can cause malformed brains in the womb. These are sensible precautions, but it would be better if the government wasn’t dysfunctional in spending the money it has and eradicating the mosquitoes that carry the disease.

About 6,400 cases of Zika have been confirmed in the U.S. and its territories, though only one in five who are infected show symptoms. Most cases in the continental U.S. have been individuals who have traveled to regions with an epidemic, particularly Latin and Central America. While the virus can be transmitted sexually, it is commonly spread by mosquitoes. The infection risk peaks in the summer.

The White House that is responsible for public health is trying to blame Congress while ducking its own failures. “The keys here are sitting with Congress, and they have to turn them to unleash more federal funding,” White House press secretary Eric Schultz said Friday.

He should talk to Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer because Senate Democrats blocked Zika funding. The Administration in February requested $1.9 billion for Zika research, education and prevention. Last month the Senate and House agreed to a $1.1 billion compromise that was offset by $543 million in leftover ObamaCare funds when Puerto Rico chose to expand Medicaid rather than set up exchanges. The bill also temporarily waived duplicative permitting requirements for anti-mosquito pesticides.

But Senate Democrats blocked the conference report, inventing the excuse that the bill banned funding for Planned Parenthood, restricted access to birth control and gutted the Clean Water Act. None of this is true. Planned Parenthood wasn’t specifically identified on a list of public health clinics and community health centers eligible for funding, but it also wasn’t barred from receiving federal funds as a sub-grantee.

Even with Congress on vacation, the Administration currently has $385 million in reprogrammed Ebola funds at its disposal. Only about half of that has been obligated, which Department of Health and Human Services spokesman Bill Hall attributes to bureaucratic federal procurement regulations. Yet the Administration continues to insist it needs more money even though it can’t spend the money it has fast enough.

President Obama is fond of executive action, yet in this case he hasn’t taken lawful steps on his own to arrest Zika’s spread. For example, the Food and Drug Administration could expedite the approval of a genetically engineered male mosquito pioneered by the British company Oxitec. Due to a mutation, the mosquito and its offspring die before reaching maturity, substantially shrinking the infectious population in a few months.

Trials in Brazil, the Cayman Islands and Panama have shown a 90% reduction in the mosquito population within six to nine months, and the World Health Organization has endorsed Oxitec’s strategy. The FDA accepted Oxitec’s application for a field trial in the Florida Keys five years ago, without notable action.

Despite the FDA’s finding in March that the modified mosquito posed “no significant impact” to the environment, the company hasn’t received clearance to conduct tests. Environmental activists have stirred up opposition in the Florida Keys that appears to have scared the federal bureaucracy. How about getting your government moving, Mr. President, instead of passing the buck to Congress?

As Henry Miller of the Hoover Institution explains nearby, bureaucratic intransigence is also partly to blame for the slow development of a Zika vaccine. Clinical trials would have to be conducted in areas where Zika is widespread, which currently means Puerto Rico. The FDA imposes strenuous requirements for studies that could make it hard to prove a vaccine is safe and effective. There’s often little incentive for companies to invest in research that might not pan out or produce little profit.

Democrats are calling Republicans obstructionists in hopes that frustration with government and an anti-Trump wave will deliver them the Senate and perhaps even the House in November. But the root cause of Washington’s Zika pathology is Democrats who are exploiting the virus to score political points. Originally Posted by lustylad
A true trumpite.
With the same 70% rate of disinformation.
lustylad's Avatar
A true trumpite.
With the same 70% rate of disinformation. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Munch too many dicks again, douchebag?

I'm no Trumpite and this has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with playing politics with our PUBLIC HEALTH.

Maybe the dimotards should change their mantra from "Never let a good crisis go to waste" to "Never solve a crisis when you can milk it for political gain".

Like I said, that's how they roll!
Munchmasterman's Avatar

Plus many others.

The repubs put defunding planned parenthood above public health. Planned parenthood had nothing to do with this bill but they had to stick it to the American people while making political points.

Let's hear how your 70% rate tries to spin this.

You forgot to say the states have unused money of their own.

Fucking douche-bags.

That's the way those thoroughly dishonest miscreant Democrats roll! Odumbo even railed against the "Republican-led Congress" at yesterday's news conference. But hey, what's more important - protecting the public health? Or letting the virus spread in order to demonize Republicans and demagogue the issue for political gain?

Zika and the Democrats

Obama is sitting on money and methods to slow the virus. Instead he blames Congress.

Aug. 2, 2016 6:49 p.m. ET

The Zika virus is only beginning to hit the U.S. mainland, but its political exploitation is already an epidemic. To wit, the Obama Administration that is sitting on money and methods to reduce the Zika outbreak is using the virus as a political bludgeon to elect more Democrats.

A Zika outbreak hit Miami this week, and the Centers for Disease Control on Monday advised pregnant women to get checked for possible exposure. Women in Miami are being told to cover up, stay indoors and wear insect repellant because the virus can cause malformed brains in the womb. These are sensible precautions, but it would be better if the government wasn’t dysfunctional in spending the money it has and eradicating the mosquitoes that carry the disease.

About 6,400 cases of Zika have been confirmed in the U.S. and its territories, though only one in five who are infected show symptoms. Most cases in the continental U.S. have been individuals who have traveled to regions with an epidemic, particularly Latin and Central America. While the virus can be transmitted sexually, it is commonly spread by mosquitoes. The infection risk peaks in the summer.

The White House that is responsible for public health is trying to blame Congress while ducking its own failures. “The keys here are sitting with Congress, and they have to turn them to unleash more federal funding,” White House press secretary Eric Schultz said Friday.

He should talk to Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer because Senate Democrats blocked Zika funding. The Administration in February requested $1.9 billion for Zika research, education and prevention. Last month the Senate and House agreed to a $1.1 billion compromise that was offset by $543 million in leftover ObamaCare funds when Puerto Rico chose to expand Medicaid rather than set up exchanges. The bill also temporarily waived duplicative permitting requirements for anti-mosquito pesticides.

But Senate Democrats blocked the conference report, inventing the excuse that the bill banned funding for Planned Parenthood, restricted access to birth control and gutted the Clean Water Act. None of this is true. Planned Parenthood wasn’t specifically identified on a list of public health clinics and community health centers eligible for funding, but it also wasn’t barred from receiving federal funds as a sub-grantee.

Even with Congress on vacation, the Administration currently has $385 million in reprogrammed Ebola funds at its disposal. Only about half of that has been obligated, which Department of Health and Human Services spokesman Bill Hall attributes to bureaucratic federal procurement regulations. Yet the Administration continues to insist it needs more money even though it can’t spend the money it has fast enough.

President Obama is fond of executive action, yet in this case he hasn’t taken lawful steps on his own to arrest Zika’s spread. For example, the Food and Drug Administration could expedite the approval of a genetically engineered male mosquito pioneered by the British company Oxitec. Due to a mutation, the mosquito and its offspring die before reaching maturity, substantially shrinking the infectious population in a few months.

Trials in Brazil, the Cayman Islands and Panama have shown a 90% reduction in the mosquito population within six to nine months, and the World Health Organization has endorsed Oxitec’s strategy. The FDA accepted Oxitec’s application for a field trial in the Florida Keys five years ago, without notable action.

Despite the FDA’s finding in March that the modified mosquito posed “no significant impact” to the environment, the company hasn’t received clearance to conduct tests. Environmental activists have stirred up opposition in the Florida Keys that appears to have scared the federal bureaucracy. How about getting your government moving, Mr. President, instead of passing the buck to Congress?

As Henry Miller of the Hoover Institution explains nearby, bureaucratic intransigence is also partly to blame for the slow development of a Zika vaccine. Clinical trials would have to be conducted in areas where Zika is widespread, which currently means Puerto Rico. The FDA imposes strenuous requirements for studies that could make it hard to prove a vaccine is safe and effective. There’s often little incentive for companies to invest in research that might not pan out or produce little profit.

Democrats are calling Republicans obstructionists in hopes that frustration with government and an anti-Trump wave will deliver them the Senate and perhaps even the House in November. But the root cause of Washington’s Zika pathology is Democrats who are exploiting the virus to score political points. Originally Posted by lustylad
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munch too many dicks again, douchebag?

I'm no Trumpite and this has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with playing politics with our PUBLIC HEALTH. Like adding anti-planned parenthood measures to the bill?
Fuck off.
So it's just a coincidence you lie at his 70% rate?

Maybe the dimotards should change their mantra from "Never let a good crisis go to waste" to "Never solve a crisis when you can milk it for political gain".

Like I said, that's how they roll! Originally Posted by lustylad
Tell you what anus breath.. Explain how planned parenthood figures into the fight against zika. Do a decent job and I'll admit I'm wrong and support your position.
Ignore the chance to prove me wrong or give a half-assed defense without links and I won't think any less of you than I do now and we'll just leave it at you're a lying motherfucker.
lustylad's Avatar
The repubs put defunding planned parenthood above public health. Planned parenthood had nothing to do with this bill but they had to stick it to the American people while making political points.

Wrong. You have it backwards. The Dems are the ones trying to inject Planned Parenthood into the bill by adding PP to the list of recipients for Zika funds. See below.

Let's hear how your 70% rate tries to spin this. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
WTF? Already answered in the OP:

But Senate Democrats blocked the conference report, inventing the excuse that the bill banned funding for Planned Parenthood, restricted access to birth control and gutted the Clean Water Act. None of this is true. Planned Parenthood wasn’t specifically identified on a list of public health clinics and community health centers eligible for funding, but it also wasn’t barred from receiving federal funds as a sub-grantee.
Do I need to translate this for you? The bill doesn't touch, let alone ban, existing PP funding. It merely fails to include PP for the new Zika funding. And PP clinics can still receive Zika funds as a "sub-grantee". So this excuse by Senate Dems is a phony one. Of course, most dickmunchers don't pay attention to details, so they believe the Dems when they lie and claim the GOP is trying to "defund Planned Parenthood" with this bill.

If you still don't get it, read this:

Now you can admit you are the biggest lying moutherfucking douchebag on this board.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's unfortunate that health issues end up being political footballs ... why does PP need Zika funds? It's liberal Democrats pushing their agenda of federal funding for PP. Then whine because the the remainder of Congress wants to fund ZIKA issues, but not PP.

The local health folks are worried about it: the protection involves anti-mosquito activities ... repellent, elimination of sources, spraying in high risk areas, and monitor for symptoms that sound like the flu.

Do "we" really need a "vaccine" ... for $2 billion and counting?

"To fight Zika?"
  • DSK
  • 08-05-2016, 06:06 AM
That's the way those thoroughly dishonest miscreant Democrats roll! Odumbo even railed against the "Republican-led Congress" at yesterday's news conference. But hey, what's more important - protecting the public health? Or letting the virus spread in order to demonize Republicans and demagogue the issue for political gain?

Zika and the Democrats

Obama is sitting on money and methods to slow the virus. Instead he blames Congress.

Aug. 2, 2016 6:49 p.m. ET

The Zika virus is only beginning to hit the U.S. mainland, but its political exploitation is already an epidemic. To wit, the Obama Administration that is sitting on money and methods to reduce the Zika outbreak is using the virus as a political bludgeon to elect more Democrats.

A Zika outbreak hit Miami this week, and the Centers for Disease Control on Monday advised pregnant women to get checked for possible exposure. Women in Miami are being told to cover up, stay indoors and wear insect repellant because the virus can cause malformed brains in the womb. These are sensible precautions, but it would be better if the government wasn’t dysfunctional in spending the money it has and eradicating the mosquitoes that carry the disease.

About 6,400 cases of Zika have been confirmed in the U.S. and its territories, though only one in five who are infected show symptoms. Most cases in the continental U.S. have been individuals who have traveled to regions with an epidemic, particularly Latin and Central America. While the virus can be transmitted sexually, it is commonly spread by mosquitoes. The infection risk peaks in the summer.

The White House that is responsible for public health is trying to blame Congress while ducking its own failures. “The keys here are sitting with Congress, and they have to turn them to unleash more federal funding,” White House press secretary Eric Schultz said Friday.

He should talk to Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer because Senate Democrats blocked Zika funding. The Administration in February requested $1.9 billion for Zika research, education and prevention. Last month the Senate and House agreed to a $1.1 billion compromise that was offset by $543 million in leftover ObamaCare funds when Puerto Rico chose to expand Medicaid rather than set up exchanges. The bill also temporarily waived duplicative permitting requirements for anti-mosquito pesticides.

But Senate Democrats blocked the conference report, inventing the excuse that the bill banned funding for Planned Parenthood, restricted access to birth control and gutted the Clean Water Act. None of this is true. Planned Parenthood wasn’t specifically identified on a list of public health clinics and community health centers eligible for funding, but it also wasn’t barred from receiving federal funds as a sub-grantee.

Even with Congress on vacation, the Administration currently has $385 million in reprogrammed Ebola funds at its disposal. Only about half of that has been obligated, which Department of Health and Human Services spokesman Bill Hall attributes to bureaucratic federal procurement regulations. Yet the Administration continues to insist it needs more money even though it can’t spend the money it has fast enough.

President Obama is fond of executive action, yet in this case he hasn’t taken lawful steps on his own to arrest Zika’s spread. For example, the Food and Drug Administration could expedite the approval of a genetically engineered male mosquito pioneered by the British company Oxitec. Due to a mutation, the mosquito and its offspring die before reaching maturity, substantially shrinking the infectious population in a few months.

Trials in Brazil, the Cayman Islands and Panama have shown a 90% reduction in the mosquito population within six to nine months, and the World Health Organization has endorsed Oxitec’s strategy. The FDA accepted Oxitec’s application for a field trial in the Florida Keys five years ago, without notable action.

Despite the FDA’s finding in March that the modified mosquito posed “no significant impact” to the environment, the company hasn’t received clearance to conduct tests. Environmental activists have stirred up opposition in the Florida Keys that appears to have scared the federal bureaucracy. How about getting your government moving, Mr. President, instead of passing the buck to Congress?

As Henry Miller of the Hoover Institution explains nearby, bureaucratic intransigence is also partly to blame for the slow development of a Zika vaccine. Clinical trials would have to be conducted in areas where Zika is widespread, which currently means Puerto Rico. The FDA imposes strenuous requirements for studies that could make it hard to prove a vaccine is safe and effective. There’s often little incentive for companies to invest in research that might not pan out or produce little profit.

Democrats are calling Republicans obstructionists in hopes that frustration with government and an anti-Trump wave will deliver them the Senate and perhaps even the House in November. But the root cause of Washington’s Zika pathology is Democrats who are exploiting the virus to score political points. Originally Posted by lustylad
Excellent article and very illustrative of a common liberal method of operation. Deep down, I think they are proud of their clever deceptions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Munch too many dicks again, douchebag?

I'm no Trumpite and this has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with playing politics with our PUBLIC HEALTH.

Maybe the dimotards should change their mantra from "Never let a good crisis go to waste" to "Never solve a crisis when you can milk it for political gain".

Like I said, that's how they roll! Originally Posted by lustylad
Brava Junior!

You sure know how to debate a topic.

I'm so happy you took the Limpdick Lardass Baboono's bet. Your ass will be outta here for 90 days before we know it!

Now be a good little girl and go home to your Mommy!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Wrong. You have it backwards. The Dems are the ones trying to inject Planned Parenthood into the bill by adding PP to the list of recipients for Zika funds. See below. Because the disease can be transmitted sexually.

WASHINGTON — A spending bill that included cash to combat the Zika virus failed in the Senate Tuesday, mired in partisan add-ons that targeted women’s health service providers and sought to allow the flying of the Confederate flag. You can never tell it all, can you?
The $1.1 billion in funding for the nation’s Zika response was attached to a larger funding bill that would pay for military construction and veterans affairs.
That measure had passed in the Senate on a bipartisan vote earlier in the year, but it differed from the version that passed the House, which had less money for combatting the disease.
To align the separate measures, Republicans in both chambers working in a conference committee wrote a new version of the bill that excluded Democrats’ concerns. It passed on a party line with no hearings or debate in the House last week while Democrats staged a sit-in there over guns.
The GOP version of the bill also eliminates a rule that bars the flying of Confederate flags at veterans’ cemeteries. Further, it waives environmental rules to allow the increased spraying of pesticides in waterways, although Zika-carrying mosquitoes do not breed in moving rivers and ponds. They prefer stagnant water, such as in old tires, cans or bottle caps.
The bill needed 60 votes to advance, but only got 52. No Democrats voted for it. Two Republicans, Sens. Mike Lee (Utah) and James Lankford (Okla.), also voted against the bill.

Let's hear how your 70% rate tries to spin this.
WTF? Already answered in the OP:

But Senate Democrats blocked the conference report, inventing the excuse that the bill banned funding for Planned Parenthood, restricted access to birth control and gutted the Clean Water Act. None of this is true. Planned Parenthood wasn’t specifically identified on a list of public health clinics and community health centers eligible for funding, but it also wasn’t barred from receiving federal funds as a sub-grantee.
Do I need to translate this for you? The bill doesn't touch, let alone ban, existing PP funding. It merely fails to include PP for the new Zika funding. And PP clinics can still receive Zika funds as a "sub-grantee". So this excuse by Senate Dems is a phony one. Of course, most dickmunchers don't pay attention to details, so they believe the Dems when they lie and claim the GOP is trying to "defund Planned Parenthood" with this bill.
More correctly stated as not funding planned parenthood. Since this disease can be sexually transmitted and is tied to certain birth defects it makes sense to increase availability of birth control.
If you still don't get it, read this:
Oh I get it all right. But the info I got that clears this up isn't found on your worthless link. Now you'll claim it's all lies without showing proof
WTF? Already answered in the OP:

Do I need to translate this for you? The bill doesn't touch, let alone ban, existing PP funding. It merely fails to include PP for the new Zika funding. And PP clinics can still receive Zika funds as a "sub-grantee". So this excuse by Senate Dems is a phony one. Of course, most dickmunchers don't pay attention to details, so they believe the Dems when they lie and claim the GOP is trying to "defund Planned Parenthood" with this bill.

If you still don't get it, read this:
Originally Posted by lustylad

Now you can admit you are the biggest lying moutherfucking douchebag on this board Thank God you were you and your title is safe.. Both you and your links lie by omission. And since Americans as a group are smarter than the poorly educated folks they know who to blame. The party of No The party that tries to sneak the confederate flag back in.
Originally Posted by lustylad
"The bill is also $800 million short of the $1.9 billion the White House asked for in February."

Who controls congress? Who waited till now to act? Who with fore thought and malice tried to push a bill through before an extended break?

I'll give you a hint. While they may not like sucking cock as much as you and trump, they still get the "all you can eat" on a regular basis.

The bill is also $800 million short of the $1.9 billion the White House asked for in February.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) countered McConnell by saying that the Democrats had tried repeatedly to pass Zika funding, but Republicans objected five times, including once when they tried to use Zika to extract cuts to Obamacare.
“I don’t know what universe my friend is living in. What does he think, we’re all stupid, the American people are dumb? They’re not, they understand what’s going on here,” Trumpers excluded of course Reid said, arguing that Republicans were trying to extract as many partisan concessions for their base as they could

Among the problems that Democrats say they have with the appropriations bill that includes the Zika funding:

· It cuts $540 million in Affordable Care Act funding.
· It doesn't include money for Planned Parenthood or any other contraceptive providers. (This is a shortcoming because Zika can be transmitted sexually.)
· It doesn't include a provision passed earlier in the House that would prohibit federal funds from being used to fly Confederate flags at veterans' cemeteries.
· The Zika money it does include is $800 million less than what the Obama administration has asked for.
While a number of U.S. Zika cases have been confirmed in individuals who traveled outside the country, none are yet known to have been acquired here. Hopefully that will remain true as Congress goes through the arduous process of getting its act together.

You didn't even get my proposal right. It was;

Tell you what anus breath.. Explain how planned parenthood figures into the fight against zika. Do a decent job and I'll admit I'm wrong and support your position.
Ignore the chance to prove me wrong or give a half-assed defense without links and I won't think any less of you than I do now and we'll just leave it at you're a lying motherfucker.

You're the 70% guy. Your lying crown was never in the negotiations. I knew better than to think I could wear it like you.

Now fuck off.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Excellent articleYou saying it's excellent vets why it isn't and very illustrative of a common liberal method of operation. Deep down, I think they are proud of their clever deceptions. Originally Posted by DSK
Wrong. Read why.
Sorry, but I'm a Republican and so far, the GOP has refused to just do an up or down vote on the funds that are said to be needed. They do keep trying to tie in other policy referendums to it, and this is neither the time nor the place.

This is just another example of the House GOP shooting itself in the foot again by being obstructive. I live in TX. We already have Zika cases here, and fairly close to home for me I might add. The House GOP needs to check a current electoral map... almost all of the states in the south vote Republican. That is where Zika poses the greatest threat. They're hurting their own constituents by not getting the funds released.
Munch too many dicks again, douchebag?

I'm no Trumpite and this has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with playing politics with our PUBLIC HEALTH.

Maybe the dimotards should change their mantra from "Never let a good crisis go to waste" to "Never solve a crisis when you can milk it for political gain".

Like I said, that's how they roll! Originally Posted by lustylad
You're right. I would consider Zika to be on the same scale as the Ebola outbreak a few years ago. That bullshit ran it's political course then disappeared.

LexusLover's Avatar
Sorry, but I'm a Republican and so far, the GOP has refused to just do an up or down vote on the funds that are said to be needed. Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
The Federal government needs $2 Billion for a mosquito eradication program in South Texas and South Florida? Please don't say "yes"!

If the Democrats want

.."an up or down vote on the funds that are said to be needed"

... then ask for what's "needed" and quit tagging on pork!

Can you explain in 10 words or less why PP "needs" Zika funds?

The Democrats KNOW the Republicans are going to vote "yes" for that!