So is this site dead now?

The only thing Jeff Sessions did was ruin fun. I used to visit this site and posts were pushed to page two within an hour. Now I visit a month later and the same topics are on page one. Not un this forum category but the other ones here.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Maybe it's time for a break ?
billw1032's Avatar
I don't think Jeff Sessions had much to do with it. I personally don't think he was competent enough to accomplish much, much less partially kill this site. You can maybe blame the sponsors of FOSTA/SESTA, but I think it was the long shutdown with no communication from site management as to what was happening or when to expect them back. Many users and members probably just gave up and never came back.

There used to be a counter that showed the number of users online, and it typically ran around 8,000 to 10,000 or maybe more. I can't find the current number, although there appears to be a space for it on one of the top-level pages but the number is blank. I don't think they want to publicize the number of users the site has now.
No Sessions said how he attacked sites adult sites which is why they were all shutdown.
billw1032's Avatar
I'd like to change my answer, and it has nothing to do with Jeff Sessions.

Yes, I think the site is (nearly) dead, or at least entering its death spiral. Some of the previously most active forums go for hours or even days without a new post. I don't even bother to check on the chat room any more. There's stuff going on in some threads that is clearly against the rules, but the RTM button just goes into a black hole. If you look a little bit, it appears that more than half of the mods haven't posted, or even logged on, in a week or two. There's one or two areas that remain active (i.e. the AMP forum), but it's the exception rather than the rule. So, yes, it looks to me like the end is near.
Chung Tran's Avatar
If you look a little bit, it appears that more than half of the mods haven't posted, or even logged on, in a week or two. There's one or two areas that remain active (i.e. the AMP forum), but it's the exception rather than the rule. So, yes, it looks to me like the end is near. Originally Posted by billw1032
I hope you're wrong, but I'm not here to disagree. even the AMP section has issues.. yes, it is fairly active, but few guys write reviews, many only post to request "secret action pics". those guys are "hangers-on", no intel to provide, never a review. a lot of true Hobby guys are a bit scared now

CG2014's Avatar
Just wait and see:

It's gonna get a lot deader.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
I think the activity level remains the same. It seems like people don't like to review as much, for some reason.

How many times does someone post "I had a great fuck from _______. Review later" Crickets. Or, "I saw her last month, she was terrible. I'll never go there again." (Thanks for the heads up NOW!)

I don't post everything I do, but I probably post 75%. I think if everyone who is an ECCIE horndog would report 50% -75% of their encounters, activity would increase.

A side note..... I'm tired of reviews who have a title longer and fatter than my dick could ever be, with reviews that takes most of my night to read. I usually skim those, especially when there are 100+ responses to them. BORING!

I am also tired of reviews with little information, no name, no link, no contact, no description, and no to little ROS. Come on man!
Chung Tran's Avatar
+1 LBF
The political thread is still fun though. Those trump huggers will never go away and never cease to amuse me