Before most of your time

6ULDV8's Avatar
Ol' Sarge? Where u at dude?
I did see a post of his several days ago. I just don't remember in which section he posted. He mentioned that he doesn't live in KC anymore.

Sarge's Avatar
  • Sarge
  • 06-19-2011, 12:02 AM
That was me. You're probably thinking The Ol' Sarge from the old ASPD days. Different people.
mojoworkin's Avatar
I think he is banned from here. Not sure why.
I thought he migrated over, but maybe i was thinking of Sarge. Let me know if you uncover anything.
Didn't he end up moving somewhere in Texas????

Not sure about that, but seems like I might of heard that on old Dennis of Plaza
Escorts board...but that was several years ago.

And sometimes I have a hard time remembering what I had for dinner last night, lol
6ULDV8's Avatar
If he migrated he'd be registered. I can't remember if it was here or on the old board but I do remember he came into some cash and was looking for suggestions on how to spend it. Oh well....
OLd Sarge had a Yahoo Group I do not remember the name of IT.
Omahan's Avatar
I think he is banned from here. Not sure why. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
No, he was never banned from here.
dirty dog's Avatar
He announced that he had decided to leave the hobby for personal reasons, and has not been seen or heard from since.
JRLawrence's Avatar
There is someone going by the name "Old Sarge" on the yahoo group beachclips3 with the contact address of

Old Sgt <>

I have no idea if this is the same person or not. I just had the mental connection.

Some of the stuff that went on the old board, Dennis' that is, was at times pretty vulgar, but entertaining. Lots of drama from both providers and hobbyists.
There was a 6' plus tranny (don't if she was real) that would be on Sarge all the
time. Pretty funny stuff, most of the time. Although it got out of hand, there was
some good information at times.
Yea Dennis board is where I first got to know Old Sarge...and yea he had a yahoo group, that I think I still get e-mail stuff from, but I believe (maybe wrong) that Rick the person that took video interviews of local strippers started to moniter after Sarge left???

I'll always remember that slender, dirty-blonde provider wearing a thong with Old Sarge's avator, as being one of the pics he had on that site.

We should start a thread about some of the funny...and not so funny stuff from Dennis old board.

I remember the 6ft TS, Sarge, seems like even Brooke, now of EF was, had her
moments on that board. And there was that blonde provider that worked for some
up-charge agency that Dennis would take shots at...and yet still kinda had the hots
for. Some guy who supposely spent big bucks on a provider (maybe Brooke???) and he
would brag about it, time and $$$'s he was spending and then it went badly.

Hell I just remeber another provider, CarlieFantasy?, she was very popular at the time and then things got weird with her on the board...and Old Sarge have some great comments about that. (By the way, as far as I kinow, that provider has long since retired from hobby, just wanted to mention that so no confusion with any current providers)>
The Ol' Sarge was a drama "queen" to the max. He is still around and this discussion might be enough to get him to "come out". Ya' just never know what he was going to do. Who he would offend and how he could be offended. Unpredictiable to the max. And holds a grudge to the max! But if he was on "your side" - semper fi to the hilt of the sword!
Some of the stuff that went on the old board, Dennis' that is, was at times pretty vulgar, but entertaining. Lots of drama from both providers and hobbyists.
There was a 6' plus tranny (don't if she was real) that would be on Sarge all the
time. Pretty funny stuff, most of the time. Although it got out of hand, there was
some good information at times. Originally Posted by vitokc
Not a real person, funny - yes. A LOT of stuff that went on at Dennis' board was Dennis arguing with himself to make a point . . . of course many other members had multiple accounts too . . . I will say though that good intel was always distributed even if it was at times vulgar, maybe it was the freedom and unrestricted, unmoderated atmosphere that allowed people to be much more "honest". The only thing Dennis ever removed was information that outed a person, other than that, it was pretty much "anything goes".


- Jackie