Sorry and im not sure this is how to do this but We made a mistake in our ad, The Elves will not be in KC until the 5th and 6th. Ella, Randi and Lexi. We appologise for any mixup. Thanks.

BTW.. someone has a chance to have all 3 all nite for a hell of a deal so check that out on bp too! dont wanna make this an advertisement.
Omahan's Avatar
The best way to handle mistakes in the ad is to PM the mod (FireSerpent)and ask him to make edits to it. Glad to see you're back.
TY Omahan, I didnt want to trouble the mods too much for a simple issue, I know they have their hands full as is. I just hope we didnt step on any toes and appologise if we did.
Well, welcome to the elves...so nice to see ya posting in the KC threads, again

Remeber this is a non-pimping zone, lol
Had you guys messaged me, I could have edited your post 2 days ago.
awww cmon vk.. Pimping is in.. theres Pimp my ride.. pimp my truck.. not sure if there is pimp my wife reality show yet but give it time,lol. Besides, if it was pimping free zone why bother to have an agency review thread? lol

Fire, I will definately remember that, sorry again for any trouble.
Just a question.. but u keep saying "we" you have a mouse in your pocket or a number of girls on one handle?
Is that a serious question? or are you attempting to again poke at US as you did 10mins ago in the other thread? The username is TheGFEgirlS, kinda a no brainer WE would think. I guess WE aren't as famous as WE had thought.. damnit to OUR egoS!
Lacy... the GFE Girls are an Agency in most ways that matter.
Well they are hot!!