Backpage CEO

GringoakaHG's Avatar
Hmm he was a pimp too ?
Right. It's an excuse to grab money:

Documents show took in $50 million in ads between 2013 and 2015.

“Making money off the backs of innocent human beings by allowing them to be exploited for modern-day slavery is not acceptable in Texas,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I intend to use every resource my office has to make sure those who profit from the exploitation and trafficking of persons are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.”

The Texas search warrant for the company that took in $2.5 million a month was based on money laundering.
oilman12's Avatar
No more BP. What are them hoes gonna do next? out for the rush
Yall wait it's going to get worse you can thank the superbowl when shit really starts hitting the fan...
TryWeakly's Avatar
Dammit, and I was planning on visiting some garage sales on Saturday morning. Maybe I should wait till Tuesday rolls around again then I wont have to het up so early.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Backpage is not going anywhere. At most they will make some changes to ensure minors are not on there and tighten the guidelines. Nothing as drastic as CL did.

And the numbers that are being mentioned here are very low. They are bringing in way more then that.
Pistolero's Avatar
This has nothing to do with danger to members in Houston. So, moved from alerts to sandbox.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Hmm he was a pimp too ? Originally Posted by GringoakaHG
No he just owns a website.

Big brother can stretch those laws when they want their way.
kerwil62's Avatar
Them NBA BP hoes will still be winning though. They'll just find another way or start coming here.
lizardking's Avatar
Hmm he was a pimp too ? Originally Posted by GringoakaHG
That's TFF! I'm gonna be chuckling about it all day.

What a stupid bunch of bullshit. They might as well shut down all hotels because some whoring goes on in some of them. Or outlaw cars because people drive to appointments.

"Human trafficking" and underage prostitution would be significantly reduced if prostitution was legal and subject to some reasonable regulation. It's so simple it just fucking drives me crazy pondering the idiocy of it all. And to hear it from Ken Paxton, who's accused of the type of financial crimes that are so much more insidious, if only because they are so widespread and, for the most part, not policed. HPD should take some of its fat, lazy vice cops and put them to work looking into that shit. Of course, that would be real work and they'd probably have to read lots of stuff with big words, so that plan's a non-starter. Who wants to do that when they can finagle "get out of jail free" blowjobs from hookers during the Rodeo and celebrate afterwards with a shitty beer and a fried Twinkie, all while taking in the intoxicating aroma of Skoal and cow shit.

And the Super Bowl . . . don't get me started. I remember when the game was in Dallas a few years ago and one of those anti-trafficking dickheads estimated that 100,000 - again, 100,000 - hookers were going to descend on Dallas. That would be 1.25 hookers for each seat in Jerryworld.

Them NBA BP hoes will still be winning though. They'll just find another way or start coming here. Originally Posted by kerwil62
Jessica4stacks's Avatar Update. Originally Posted by Jessica4stacks
I know you posted something relevant to the topic, but, I can't help but look at your avatar and showcase and not rub my dick.

Good god Jessica. STOP.
chloelc's Avatar
Never worked with that website but that I hate this media sensationalism. Makes it seem like backpage was used only to sell little girls to the highest bidder. UGH!

Read an article on Eccie last week too, apparently here we are being oppressed and commercialized, COMPLETELY ignoring that we choose to be here in the first place.