Screening is it really Necessary?

I contacted a lady the other day and she started asking me for Ref's or 411 and I complied but it got me to thinking. Is it really necessary? I've been around the Hobby for about 8 yrs now and the only time I hear of a girl getting busted by the cops there is something else involved (drugs Children guns etc etc...) The are bad guys out there looking to hurt girls but they still get thru from what I'm seeing on the alerts section. So screening isn't helpng out there. So why are we still doing this dance?
pyramider's Avatar
Good Luck.
I screen religiously. I would expect my clients to be willing to comply even if they DO think it's unnecessary. I'm 5'1", 105lbs. Most guys are like twice my size. If I need to screen to feel comfortable, any gentleman should be understanding of that. And I'm sorry, but I rarely see an alert that states she screened. Most of them seem to say that she didn't screen. I'm not saying there aren't exceptions, but they are few and far between. If you don't want to see girls that screen, then that is your choice. But it bothers me that you would question my (or anyone else's) right or reason to. No offense intended, hon.

Let us turn the tables on you for a minute, see if that helps you understand where we are coming from. Imagine you are a small guy that is meeting up with someone MUCH bigger than you, who could most certainly hurt you (even rape you... seriously think about that prospect for a minute. Imagine a much bigger guy forcing himself into your holiest of holies.) if he had a mind to (and he just might have a mind to). You will be alone, in a private place, and NO ONE will be able to help you. Now, you have the option to speak with other people who have met this person in private and ask how their experience was. Are you NOT going to do that? If your answer is still no, then you're a braver person than I, sir.
Traci I'm not say I don't want to be screened or that I wouldn't see someone because they tried to screen me.
Also if I was 5'1" 105 I'd be afraid walking out of the mall, let along doing this job!
I saw this in the alerts section
And got to thinking, how good is it?
Maybe you girls should have a review section for us! It's the only way we know if a girl is safe or good at what she does. I know it sounds funny but wouldn't it be safer that way.
I don't think he was questioning your right to screen. I think he was merely asking a question in order to be better informed and to get another point of view. I may be wrong but I do not think he intended to offend anyone. At least that is the way I took it.
Screening isn't just to protect us from LE, it's also to protect us from agressive male clients, stalkers, rapists, robbers....the list goes on.
The bottom line is screening = safety.

It is ABSOLUTELY neccesary and you're probably one of the few who think it isn't.
What you see in the alerts section is guys who have NOT been screened, so you are wrong there. The changes in the economy have sadly led many providers to ease up on their screening.....if they are doing it at all. I'm sure some slip through the cracks, but generally speaking, the alerts as of lately could have all been avoided with a few simple screening techniques.

Screening does work, yes we need it, I am sorry it is a hassle for you, but that's just too bad. It is more of a hassle for me to end up dead than it is for you to cough up the names of two girls you've recently seen. Geezus is it that difficult??
bigmarv's Avatar
The reason the ladies are still doing this dance is because of common sense. Their safety comes first.
To be frank, I would be suspicious of a woman who didn't screen. For me this would mean they either don't care who they see or are working for someone I'd rather not meet, if you catch my drift.
Again I'm not trying to offend anyone I'm just thinking out loud. And the alert I just posted the girl said she did screen.
daty/o's Avatar
I'm going to lose some points with the guys here, but I don't think the screening is tough enough. We thoroughly screen the girls we want to go see. It's only fair that they have a good idea of who they are dealing with as well. I wouldn't think the le issue was the only valid reason. (That said, I am still waiting for Yoko to get my prints back from D.C.)
I don't think he was questioning your right to screen. I think he was merely asking a question in order to be better informed and to get another point of view. I may be wrong but I do not think he intended to offend anyone. At least that is the way I took it. Originally Posted by wolfeman
I wasn't trying to come down on him, Wolfeman. Just give him a different perspective. He posted the question. I took that to mean he wanted input. And someone asking if it is necessary does seem to be implying that it isn't, and therefore seems to be questioning my right and reason to do so. I wasn't angry at him for it, perhaps slightly concerned. If it seems like I was coming down on him, I'm very sorry. I don't know how I could have put it any nicer.
  • Rebel
  • 07-18-2010, 05:18 PM
I will not see a lady that doesn't screen me, I've called a couple of well know providers and they've asked for my handle as they are driving down the road and said ok? Needless to say I didn't follow thru, this is not a bash against them , but it makes me wonder about someone that doesn't at least check me out. With all the crap out there today, saftety has to come first. There are just to many variables out there to not know who your meeting.
There's always going to be risk for both the ladies and hobbyist. Screening helps minimize the risk. But the bottom line is that you will never eliminate all the risk. But getting rid of what you can is not a bad idea in my opinion.
Screening doesn't guarantee that a lady will never be assaulted, arrested, robbed, or worse, but it DOES reduce that chance. It's like seatbelts and airbags in a car: there's no guarantee that if you crash you'll walk away uninjured, but your chances are better with them than without. Unfortunately, bad things happen, and it's not even always with new clients. I've read plenty of alerts from ladies whose regular clients went off the deep end.

And if a lady does need to make a police report or post an LE alert, she'll have at least some information to provide -- even if it is just a pseudonym and a hobby email address or cell phone number.

Also, screening helps me avoid finding myself BCD with, say, my dentist. (Sorry, Dr. R.)