Wise un-wise

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I know a 22 year old that had a good job at a factory(non-union) at 14 a hour. Full benny's, was not on contract, full emplyee. Quit to work as a scab for 18 a hour. Now if the union and company get together. He would out the door. If they keep him. He would work with others that where out on strike, as he was a scab.
My "?" I can see going for a better job. But would it be worth leaving a job with benny's for just more cash in hand?
To me that is a very high risk. And I am not a union kind of guy. But if the union get's busted. Not sure I would want to be on the ground floor working for a company that just busted a union. But then I am in my 50's. At his age a high risk shot may be worth it in the end. Lot of time to recover if not good end. Is it the right time to play games in the job market?
jamesm637119's Avatar
Wow offshore thats a tuff one at this day and age I think I would stay because I think the same way be then again he is 22 and young can recoop sooner then later thats what I think at 22 what are you really losing.
  • Aguy
  • 09-10-2010, 09:44 PM
That's a real tough one. Since I'm fairly sure I know what company you are talking about I not sure how that is going to come out. The CEO sounded very arrogant. The union wages sounded high for the area as announced on TV and we know TV is aways accurate.:-) I don't see any winners there no matter how it comes out. I think they are going to be on strike a long time. If they get through the next couple of months or so I think the company will try tough it out. I think some of it depended on what he actually does. If his job easily transfers to another job or the union looses he will be all right. If the union wins I wouldn't be surprised the company finds a way to move production elsewhere.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Just another small company with a big brand name. And so now owned by much larger company. Would hate to see it move.
I heard that the strike just ended, so I think your friend may have figuratively screwed the pooch. Hope he left his old place on good relations and can get his job back.
taggert's Avatar
Das, you are correct. Strike is over
offshoredrilling's Avatar
They will let him work as a contractor. Less pay, no bennys. back tp square one. But would they convert to full again?