The Nashville Special Explained.. lol

I got lots of messages asking what the Nashville special is.. So rather than writing the same reply over and over.

It only meant donations are as listed on the sites ( you know the non BP rates)
A provider friend told my Nashville provider friends and they were looking over the area and seen my post and were a lil shocked by my " specials" and why did I allow them to happen.

Simply put this is the cheapest area of the hobby world. I went from highly sought after living in a highrise in Nashville to becoming a blue light special just because I love the area so much!

So to save any further embarrassing messages from other providers. I posted the special but only the providers got the joke.

So I put it up as an inside joke so to speak. Lol

If you have my personal info this does not apply to you! You are the ones that have seen me without specials being offered.

I just wanted to save having to write this message repeatedly! Lol

Have a wonderful weekend!

Come see me if you can afford it!
Soooo how does one go about seeing you lol, this morning
P411 or Datecheck with lots of great references